Dental Assisting and Front Desk

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5+ Year Member
Sep 12, 2019
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Some context: I am currently working as a Dental Assistant in a decently far practice around 2 times a week. Because I recently just finished the DAT, I’ve been looking for another close practice while keeping my current one.

I was recently offered a high paying job at an office in Boston, but it is only as a dental receptionist. I was thinking maybe I can work 2 days assisting in my original office, and 3 days front desk (with some occasional assisting when things get busy) in the new potential office. The only thing I am not sure about is that if I should just find another office that is looking for dental assistants so I can solely rack up clinical and assisting hours.

So TLDR: should I solely focus on accumulating experience as a dental assistant (and find another office hiring assistants so I can get more hours assisting), or would it be better for me to work as a dental assistant AND a receptionist part time at 2 different practices?

Thank you so much!

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Some context: I am currently working as a Dental Assistant in a decently far practice around 2 times a week. Because I recently just finished the DAT, I’ve been looking for another close practice while keeping my current one.

I was recently offered a high paying job at an office in Boston, but it is only as a dental receptionist. I was thinking maybe I can work 2 days assisting in my original office, and 3 days front desk (with some occasional assisting when things get busy) in the new potential office. The only thing I am not sure about is that if I should just find another office that is looking for dental assistants so I can solely rack up clinical and assisting hours.

So TLDR: should I solely focus on accumulating experience as a dental assistant (and find another office hiring assistants so I can get more hours assisting), or would it be better for me to work as a dental assistant AND a receptionist part time at 2 different practices?

Thank you so much!
learning the front office stuff will help you in the future after you graduate...