dental hygiene

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Oct 14, 2007
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So I've heard that some schools award students after 2nd year with a dental hygiene certificate/degree. so they can work on the weekends or breaks to make money on the side. Anybody know which schools do this? would it be an easy thing to obtain if your school is not one that does this since we will be qualified to do hygiene anyway?

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So I've heard that some schools award students after 2nd year with a dental hygiene certificate/degree. so they can work on the weekends or breaks to make money on the side. Anybody know which schools do this? would it be an easy thing to obtain if your school is not one that does this since we will be qualified to do hygiene anyway?

I think it depends on the state, not the school.

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I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend my weekends or breaks working as a hygienist.

It's perfect if you have lots of free time during the summer or if you've finished all your requirements during 4th year and you can you want to make a little extra cash.
So I've heard that some schools award students after 2nd year with a dental hygiene certificate/degree. so they can work on the weekends or breaks to make money on the side. Anybody know which schools do this? would it be an easy thing to obtain if your school is not one that does this since we will be qualified to do hygiene anyway?
A hygiene certificate/degree is not enough. To work as a hygienist, I think he/she must also have a dental hygiene license.
i think it depends on state, not school.
MA allows dental students to sit for the DH license, i dont think NY/NJ do.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend my weekends or breaks working as a hygienist.

If you are gonna work anyway, why not make $30-$50 per hour for your time?