Dental School Admission - what are my chances for this cycle?

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Mar 21, 2023
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I applied to 9 schools this past cycle and have yet to hear anything back from 5 of them. I was wondering if there's a glaring hole in my application that I missed, or if my DAT is really that low?

3.8 GPA, 19 DAT, 185 shadowing hours, 2 years of dental-related research, non-dental work experience, variety of extracurriculars that I'm very committed to

I am also graduating in 3 years with a bachelor's degree (I took a minor too), and have completed all the prereqs as well as some advanced bio courses like anatomy & physiology, histology, genetics, etc.

The schools I'm still waiting on are LECOM, Case Western, UCLA, UCSF, and UoP. Any advice is appreciated!!

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I applied to 9 schools this past cycle and have yet to hear anything back from 5 of them. I was wondering if there's a glaring hole in my application that I missed, or if my DAT is really that low?

3.8 GPA, 19 DAT, 185 shadowing hours, 2 years of dental-related research, non-dental work experience, variety of extracurriculars that I'm very committed to

I am also graduating in 3 years with a bachelor's degree (I took a minor too), and have completed all the prereqs as well as some advanced bio courses like anatomy & physiology, histology, genetics, etc.

The schools I'm still waiting on are LECOM, Case Western, UCLA, UCSF, and UoP. Any advice is appreciated!!
this cycle?
how many interviews/rejections/waitlists do you have currently?

ucla/ucsf/uop are likely done interviewing...
I'm guessing maybe it could be the DAT score, if you applied to UCLA, UCSF, and UoP they are notorious for having much higher DAT scores than a 19, which may have set you back. I'm assuming you are a CA resident otherwise those schools would have been donations. I would have maybe said to have applied to 3 more schools on top of the 9 given the DAT score. Could you elaborate on what schools you applied to, and what Mac said above....the status of each school.

The good news is that you are young (I'm assuming, correct me if wrong), and it could be that you didn't convey enough maturity through your writing, but that could be a stretch. Your options are to reapply again, as early as possible (meaning get your LOR's ready) and be ready to rewrite your personal statement. How did you feel about your personal statement? Did you have others look it over before submitting it?

Since you didn't fill out a formal WAMC's template, it's difficult to say for certain. If you want to re-edit your post to fit the template it may help us a little more in understanding why you didn't have as much success this cycle.

Hopefully you hear good news, but I would start prepping for the worst and be ready to go again unfortunately.