Dental school near Optometry school?

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7+ Year Member
Dec 13, 2014
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Does anyone know of any Dental school that is very close to an Optometry school? (in the same city-ish?)
I'm asking for any location in the US.
My sister and I hope to apply to those places so we can be able to live near each other to save money on living expenses.

Thanks guys!

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From a dental perspective:

Nova and Western (therefore USC and Loma Linda) come to mind.
Also: Midwestern - AZ, the ones in Boston (BU, Harvard, Tufts), NYC (Columbia, NYU, Touro) and Philly (Penn and Temple)

Not OOS friendly: UCLA, Alabama, Indiana, OSU, Oregon, Tennessee (unless you are from a neighboring state).
Don't take OOS: UIC, Texas schools.
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I know UT Houston School of Dentistry is like 10 mins away from U of H School of Optometry.
Texas schools do take OOS, just very few (~3-4)