Dentist Lifestyle

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Do you see yourself volunteering your services to the needy when you're a dentist?

  • Yes, definitely

    Votes: 64 50.0%
  • Yes, probably

    Votes: 36 28.1%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 15 11.7%
  • Possibly, but only when I'm ready to retire

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • Probably not

    Votes: 5 3.9%
  • No way

    Votes: 4 3.1%

  • Total voters


Arch Fiend
7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
A poll this week on one particular aspect of a dentist's lifestyle.

I went to volunteer at a "free clinic" in a disadvantaged part of town and met with three awesome dentists who volunteer their time to treat patients. One guy works there full-time (retired from his private practice), and the others come in on a regular basis.

I know we all do some sort of community service as pre-dental students, but is volunteer work the kind of thing you see yourself doing after you earn your dental degree?

P.S. A new thing (along with this new format) with creating polls is that there's an option to have peoples' identities associated with their responses -- I did NOT check that box, and probably never will!!!

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I really don't think that I will volunteer much of my time at all. We had a huge discussion in our ethics class about this. And 95% of my class think that it is your duty to do it I think otherwise.
anamod said:
I really don't think that I will volunteer much of my time at all. We had a huge discussion in our ethics class about this. And 95% of my class think that it is your duty to do it I think otherwise.

Although I do see myself volunteering sometimes, I also have a problem with people telling me it's my "duty" to do anything, so I hear ya. I think if it won't make you happy, it's perfectly okay not to volunteer, especially because if you're unhappy then people will pick up on it, and going to the dentist is an emotional experience for a lot of people.

IMHO honesty is much more important! :thumbup:
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Should have included work in underserved areas.
Yeah I have never been one to beat around the bush. I have a feeling some of these people are just afraid to think for themselves and what they really want not what the majority goes with.
I agree with trypmo completely... if you volunteer, do it because you want to, not because people tell you it's your duty to. Even though I will probably volunteer, I am always somewhat offended when people talk about it being an obligation.
Hell Yeah!

Volunteering is essential at some stage in our careers... especially in Dentistry. Since Dentists are considered role models in communities, I doubt if it's going to be a matter of an obligation, but a compliment to your community or wherever your work is based.
yeah sure if I get to make it a tax write off :smuggrin: :smuggrin:
Woodsy said:
yeah sure if I get to make it a tax write off :smuggrin: :smuggrin: me Woodsy, I never expected you to answer this question with a yes. As for me, I will definitely do fact Im getting a MPH so I can play a big role in this area.
When I retire, I'm going to do the Peace Corps...
isn't there a week or day where dentists offer their services free or near free of charge to the unfortunate (those without insurance)? i thought it just recently took place in february or march?? help me out, i believe it's a nationaly recognized day.
Since Dentists are considered role models in communities. Stated by Moo7

Everyone always says that dentists are community role models but I do not understand what make them role models other then being successful. They are for the most part just doing their job. Forgive me if I am just ignorant.
Thaxil said:
Since Dentists are considered role models in communities. Stated by Moo7

Everyone always says that dentists are community role models but I do not understand what make them role models other then being successful. They are for the most part just doing their job. Forgive me if I am just ignorant.
I think it's because they have a valuable commodity they can use to directly benefit the members of the community, if they so choose. I know I plan to do a good deal of charitable dentistry once I'm in practice, both locally and (hopefully) internationally. In addition, with some of that extra free time most of us will be toting, ;) we'll have the opportunity to devote more time to other activities. Some of that will be hobbies, sure, but I'm looking forward to the chance to get involved in civic activity as well. I don't believe being dentists will automatically make us civic heroes, but I think being a dentist is an excellent *opportunity* to become involved, respected community members. Just like everything else, it's up to the individual in the end.
Thaxil said:
Since Dentists are considered role models in communities. Stated by Moo7

Everyone always says that dentists are community role models but I do not understand what make them role models other then being successful. They are for the most part just doing their job. Forgive me if I am just ignorant.

Well, I think they're role models for several reasons, and here's how I see it. First, they're highly visible and they interact with lots of members of the community, as well as that they're generally considered successful (depending on what one means by success (I think it's a brand of instant rice, right?) ;)).

Additionally, the dental profession is one in which you put yourself at risk (dealing with people (mostly strangers), tissues, needles, blood) and one in which a pretty high degree of responsibility must be exercised in order to stay in practice (drugs, prescriptions, etc.). Not just anyone can, or is willing to, do those things.

Dentists are people you go to and:

- lie down in front of them
- open your mouth
- let them reach in there and do stuff that will probably be painful at some point

which requires that the patient put a whole lot of trust in the dentist! Also, once they've gone to see a dentist, have had work done, and have come out unharmed, the trust they initially gave is reinforced and grows. Trust, especially the kind that's earned, often leads to respect.

There have been recent posts (in other threads) to the effect that people don't tend to respect the skills a dentist has to have, but regardless of whether that's true, I think there are more reasons than that for which dentists are respected and are considered role models.

Just my $0.17 (corrected for inflation)
aphistis said:
with some of that extra free time most of us will be toting, ;) we'll have the opportunity to devote more time to other activities.

This better be the case when I am done with D-School! ;)
My time is my time what I do with it is my business. This is my motto towards life. I'm glad people get a great deal of joy out of spending their time helping the unfortunate. I on the other hand would rather spend that time with family and friends. I may open my clinic one day a year or so for free basic care, but once I leave work there will be no dentistry done, this includes weekends and days that are scheduled off.
No one can tell you what to do with your life, but it's your moral obligation to help your fellow man. Only a shallow individual spends his life collecting toys, obsessing about material goods and squandering their riches only on themselves. In every profession there are going to be people who are shallow and selfish. Try to make the world a better place for everyone or hoard all your resources and talents for yourself. Only one path is the correct one. It's your choice.