deposit question here! HELP!!!

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Aug 7, 2004
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hey guys i wanted to know something... med schools have a specific date where students must choose which school they are going to (cannot have multiple deposits) and thats when waitlisters really move up. Im waitlisted at a couple of places and wanted to know if dental schools have a specific dates as well. anyone got the 411?

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ib6ub9 said:
hey guys i wanted to know something... med schools have a specific date where students must choose which school they are going to (cannot have multiple deposits) and thats when waitlisters really move up. Im waitlisted at a couple of places and wanted to know if dental schools have a specific dates as well. anyone got the 411?

no such thing for dental... you can put desposits for as many schools... but that sucks for waitlisters :mad: :mad: :idea: they are waiting for you to give up the seat
ib6ub9 said:
hey guys i wanted to know something... med schools have a specific date where students must choose which school they are going to (cannot have multiple deposits) and thats when waitlisters really move up. Im waitlisted at a couple of places and wanted to know if dental schools have a specific dates as well. anyone got the 411?

Every school have a different deposit date. They make the offer to the applicants and at this time they give a month or less to make the first deposit, and then another month to make the second deposit. Even after making both deposit people pull out sometimes.

Basically, if you are on the waiting list, you can get an acceptance a week before school starts :eek: which sux :thumbdown:
ib6ub9 said:
hey guys i wanted to know something... med schools have a specific date where students must choose which school they are going to (cannot have multiple deposits) and thats when waitlisters really move up. Im waitlisted at a couple of places and wanted to know if dental schools have a specific dates as well. anyone got the 411?

Dental schools do have individual dates that deposits are required, and these vary from school to school. Dental schools do NOT, however, have a date where you must choose your final school. You can hang on to multiple acceptances until (and even after) starting at another school.