Did you guys ever want to get away

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Oct 26, 2004
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Rather than stay at your state school, did some of you ever wanted to get away for four years and have a different life experience( using the excuse of dental school )?
If so, did you ever regeret, is it worth it?

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Profchaos said:
Rather than stay at your state school, did some of you ever wanted to get away for four years and have a different life experience( using the excuse of dental school )?
If so, did you ever regeret, is it worth it?

Having not started yet, I don't know about dental school specifically, but in my experience, anything different is always "worth it." I've made a few big "get away" type of life changes, and so far, I definitely have no regrets.

Is there a specific choice you're facing?
Profchaos said:
Rather than stay at your state school, did some of you ever wanted to get away for four years and have a different life experience( using the excuse of dental school )?
If so, did you ever regeret, is it worth it?
The only time that I had tried to "get away" was when I was being chased by a cop!
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There will be some days at d-school when you wish you go back to that place where you got away from.
DDS2BE said:
There will be some days at d-school when you wish you go back to that place where you got away from.

Like every day. :laugh: