Difference between Dental Schools

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Mar 9, 2016
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What is the difference between dental schools? For example, what is the difference between Nova and Columbia or Michigan? Why would someone choose Columbia over Nova and what are the benefits of attending a much harder dental school where everyone gets the same degree and less chance of being top of the class at the harder school?

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What is the difference between dental schools? For example, what is the difference between Nova and Columbia or Michigan? Why would someone choose Columbia over Nova and what are the benefits of attending a much harder dental school where everyone gets the same degree and less chance of being top of the class at the harder school?
I don't know much about Nova because I didn't apply there. I think the main differences in dental schools is how they are set up (grading,class size, clinical requirements, research opportunities, and of course tuition). Columbia is H/P/F, and you takes class with med students. They also video record most lectures, so only anatomy lab and the dental courses have mandatory attendance.
The biggest difference between dental schools that I have figure out through the cycle is the location.
The Michigan School of Dentistry is in Michigan, and UCSF is actually in San Francisco (surprise!).

I mean it would be kinda weird for OHSU to be in California instead of Oregon.
I don't know much about Nova because I didn't apply there. I think the main differences in dental schools is how they are set up (grading,class size, clinical requirements, research opportunities, and of course tuition). Columbia is H/P/F, and you takes class with med students. They also video record most lectures, so only anatomy lab and the dental courses have mandatory attendance.
Some of the most competitive schools (i.e Harvard, Columbia, UCONN, UCSF) have a pass/fail curriculum to detract any kind of "bad" competitiveness between students. Some schools are big into community Dentistry over others. Some schools are feeder schools into specialties while others prepare you to be a competent general dentist from the get go. Some schools are more research and academic based. The moral of the story is: what do you want from your dental education? Answering that helps narrow down where one should apply and aim to get in. 🙂
thanks. I want to do oral surgery but I still have a small part that may want to do general dentistry. I love the idea of attending Columbia or Harvard, but if I end up deciding to do general dentistry, then wouldn't it not make any difference regarding what school I went to besides the money?
What is the difference between dental schools? For example, what is the difference between Nova and Columbia or Michigan? Why would someone choose Columbia over Nova and what are the benefits of attending a much harder dental school where everyone gets the same degree and less chance of being top of the class at the harder school?
Money is a huge factor between schools. The fact of the matter is that any dental school in the U.S can get one into oral surgery. Performance on the CBSE NMBE and externships are weighed much much more heavily than the school you attended. If you can get into your state school and want to become a general dentist, it doesn't make sense to go to a school that is focused on students doing research, pursuing academia, or other advanced dental degrees (in my opinion of course). Again, it comes down to what you value. You can do just about anything from anywhere, the question is: how much of "it" can you do?
so if you had to decide between Columbia, Michigan, and Nova and the tuition was the same, how would you decide considering you want to do oral surgery but there is a chance you end up deciding on general dentistry?
What is the difference between dental schools? For example, what is the difference between Nova and Columbia or Michigan? Why would someone choose Columbia over Nova and what are the benefits of attending a much harder dental school where everyone gets the same degree and less chance of being top of the class at the harder school?
Dude, you'll know the differences when you interview.
may I ask why?
Columbia has classes with med students so that prepares you for the exam for OMFS better. Columbia also has been increasing time spent in clinic, so a lot of students also feel like competent general dentists when they graduate. At Columbia its Comprehensive care rather than clinical requirements.