Discrepancies b/t Comlex and Step scores this year?

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7+ Year Member
Sep 10, 2014
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Hello SDN,

So I was speaking with a friend of mine, and he was telling me there has been hubbub of people scoring well on Step1, but that not being reflected in their COMLEX score this year. I was wondering if anyone has noticed this at all, where one's Step1 score is better than their COMLEX this year?

For example, I got a 541 on COMLEX (which was just below avg I think), but a 244 on Step (which was above avg).

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These are all anecdotal, but I have also noticed that Step1 and Comlex score are not correlating. Who knows what's going on with Comlex. I have seen scores where a person's comlex percentile was way higher than their step percentile, and I have seen a person's comlex percentile be way lower than their step percentile.
Scored the same percentile on both Level 1 and Level 2, with Step 1 and Step 2 scores 12 and 17 percentile points lower respectively. All scores greater than 75th percentile.