Discrepancies b/t Comlex and Step scores this year?

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Sep 10, 2014
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Hello SDN,

So I was speaking with a friend of mine, and he was telling me there has been hubbub of people scoring well on Step1, but that not being reflected in their COMLEX score this year. I was wondering if anyone has noticed this at all, where one's Step1 score is better than their COMLEX this year?

For example, I got a 541 on COMLEX (which was just below avg I think), but a 244 on Step (which was above avg).

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These are all anecdotal, but I have also noticed that Step1 and Comlex score are not correlating. Who knows what's going on with Comlex. I have seen scores where a person's comlex percentile was way higher than their step percentile, and I have seen a person's comlex percentile be way lower than their step percentile.
Yeah I've seen it all over the map as well. COMLEX is one of the most poorly designed tests in the world honestly.
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Scored the same percentile on both Level 1 and Level 2, with Step 1 and Step 2 scores 12 and 17 percentile points lower respectively. All scores greater than 75th percentile.