Distinguishing Dual Enrollment from my UG institution grades

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Sep 25, 2022
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Hello all,

1. I know this has already (kind of?) been answered but I want to confirm some points. I asked earlier on SDN if adcoms look at the year by year GPA breakdown often and I was told "basically no unless there's a glaring issue." However, I wanted to ask if this is the case in a specific but familiar scenario to many.
  • If my GPA is a 4.0 or 3.9X without dual enrollment grades from high school factored in, but then 3.8X or 3.7X GPA with dual enrollment grades factored (dragging my GPA down a full .1 or .2 basically which may matter for some more competitive schools). Basically, will ADCOMs generally actually see that it's just the dual enrollment grades weighing the GPA down and then kind of understand that the GPA should be higher but is just dragged down by these ancient high school courses that don't reflect my academic prowess any longer? Or will ADCOMs generally just take my 3.8X or 3.7X at face value and not even check the year by year grades and just judge the GPA based on just the cumulative number they see. I know this isn't the biggest deal, but it does make a difference and I want to know
2. Also, just a general kind-of neurotic already-kind-of-asked question, does it look bad if my cGPA is like 3.7X or 3.8X and my sGPA is a 3.9X or 4.0X? How big of a deal is that? Does it look bad that I'm generally just higher achieving at science courses?

Thank you so much, I appreciate any and all feedback I get.

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If your sGPA is still a 3.8 or 3.9 after dual enrollment, don’t worry about any of this.
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We see grades by academic year broken out to CBPM (science) and AO (all other) and total. It's a table that is easy to take in and usually tells a story rather well.
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If your sGPA is still a 3.8 or 3.9 after dual enrollment, don’t worry about any of this.
Alright I think I got it- as long as my sGPA isn't hurt by dual enrollment that much I should relax more probably
We see grades by academic year broken out to CBPM (science) and AO (all other) and total. It's a table that is easy to take in and usually tells a story rather well.
Awesome, so people can easily attribute slightly lower GPA's as a result of some high school dual enrollment classes. Okay thanks!