Do I give up on pursuing MD this cycle

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Big Tall Doctor

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5+ Year Member
Feb 25, 2019
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Hello all, I hope you all are taking proper care of yourselves during this stressful time.

As some might know I am not a strong applicant for MD as I had to reinvent myself by pursuing a post bacc. I would be lucky to get into any of the schools on my list with my 3.1 cgpa and 509 mcat which is why I was advised to submit my application as early as possible. To make matters worse, I can't submit my application for verification due to paper transcripts from my post bacc school not marked "received" by AMCAS. I'm tring to reason that its out of my control and I know its an abnormal cycle. I'm doing the math and the best possible timeline is transcript recieved july 10th which is when I can then submit for verification. Based on my research of previous years, that would lengthen the verification step immensely and thus I am at an impass. I am pretty much ready to go with my DO application and am seeking advice. I appreciate everyone here on SDN and hope you are all well.

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Hello all, I hope you all are taking proper care of yourselves during this stressful time.

As some might know I am not a strong applicant for MD as I had to reinvent myself by pursuing a post bacc. I would be lucky to get into any of the schools on my list with my 3.1 cgpa and 509 mcat which is why I was advised to submit my application as early as possible. To make matters worse, I can't submit my application for verification due to paper transcripts from my post bacc school not marked "received" by AMCAS. I'm tring to reason that its out of my control and I know its an abnormal cycle. I'm doing the math and the best possible timeline is transcript recieved july 10th which is when I can then submit for verification. Based on my research of previous years, that would lengthen the verification step immensely and thus I am at an impass. I am pretty much ready to go with my DO application and am seeking advice. I appreciate everyone here on SDN and hope you are all well.
What is your science GPA? URM?
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Where is your state of residence ? What are your ECs ?
Dear Faha,
I am a CA resident with ties to Florida. My extracurricular include Pharmacy Technician, serving the homeless, volunteering at a school for homeless children, coaching high school athletics, and some volunteering at free clinics. I appreciate any input you might have!
What is your science GPA? URM?
Dear Shotapp,
My science gpa is a 3.15 (3.9 last 31 units), and I do not believe I am a URM (Iranian-American). Thank you for the quick response, I really appreciate it!
@Faha will provide a list of schools based on your stats. You should focus on DO schools.
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Concentrate on your DO application and I suggest all these schools:
PCOM Georgia and South Georgia
ATSU (both schools)
LECOM (all schools)
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Hello all, I hope you all are taking proper care of yourselves during this stressful time.

As some might know I am not a strong applicant for MD as I had to reinvent myself by pursuing a post bacc. I would be lucky to get into any of the schools on my list with my 3.1 cgpa and 509 mcat which is why I was advised to submit my application as early as possible. To make matters worse, I can't submit my application for verification due to paper transcripts from my post bacc school not marked "received" by AMCAS. I'm tring to reason that its out of my control and I know its an abnormal cycle. I'm doing the math and the best possible timeline is transcript recieved july 10th which is when I can then submit for verification. Based on my research of previous years, that would lengthen the verification step immensely and thus I am at an impass. I am pretty much ready to go with my DO application and am seeking advice. I appreciate everyone here on SDN and hope you are all well.
Can't sugar coat this, you're not getting into MD schools with that cGPA, and a fair number of DO schools, including mine, are off the list as well.
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Hello! I literally created an account to offer my perspective and perhaps help you to not feel too discouraged. I’m no expert though so take my experience with a grain of salt. I had a cumulative undergrad GPA far below yours, my MCAT was 508, my graduate GPA WAS 3.8 and I ended up getting into an MD program this cycle. I personally decided to go the SMP route rather than postbacc which was honestly riskier for me but I did very well and it payed off. I think you have a very solid shot at DO programs and admit it’ll be harder for you to get into MD programs but I wouldn’t say impossible. Ultimately, your upward trend, story, motivations, and quality of essays do matter! I think that doing a summer program directly tied to a MD school also served me very well and if you have those opportunities available to you then you should not hesitate to take it! Wish you the best of luck this cycle!

Edit: I submitted my app 6/23 last year and wasn’t processed till 7/19. Applying a little later than desired isn’t ideal but it won't make or break your entire app in my humble opinion.
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Thank you all for such great contributions! I am diligently finishing my DO application as I wait to hear back from AMCAS! I don't know where I would be without SDN and again I appreciate all that you guys do!
If you don't get in this round (not saying that you won't) then work on making your application stronger, maybe work in research for a year, show your commitment and progress.
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