Medical Do I have a chance to even apply to medical school next cycle?

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Mar 12, 2013
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I am currently an undergrad going into my senior year. I struggled a lot freshman year and as a result my GPA was not great. I got my self together and brought it up to a 3.41. Unfortunately I did face some personal struggles this past semester and did not do as well as I had hoped. Also, I recently found out that I have ADHD and I am now actively working to overcome some of those challenges!
F18: 3.15 S19: 3.11 F19: 3.46 S20: 3.50 F20: 3.6 S21: 3.5
I am currently volunteering and I absolutely love it as well as studying for the MCAT. I am feeling a little discouraged but I would like to know if applying to medical school in the spring of my senior year is reasonable. Would a masters or post-bacc be necessary?
You are good for DO with a solid MCAT. MD would likely require post bac work.

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To be blunt, you can’t be “working to overcome struggles,” you need to have actually overcome them and put them in your past to convince a school that you are ready.

Realistically if you do very well on the MCAT you’re going to mostly be looking at DO schools and nothing will be guaranteed. But a lot rides on how you do in senior year. If you can pull a 3.8 in both semesters that would be the kind of clear upward trend for MD schools that look into those kind of trends closer than just the final number.
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