Do I Have a Chance?

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Jun 14, 2016
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Hi guys,

I am very new to the process (new to the research stage lol) and just wanted to throw some feelers out to see if I could potentially be a competitive applicant GPA wise.
I have a few more pre req's to get before applying.
I'm thinking about applying to Dalhousie's Dental program for the Fall 2017 class.
I am a Dalhousie student with a cGPA is a 3.69/4.3. Just finished my third year.
I had a rough first and second year, so that is why my GPA is so low 🙁
First Year --> Fall: 3.42 Winter:3.54
Second Year --> Fall: 3.67 Winter:3.34
Third Year --> Fall: 4.08 Winter: 4.22
Does Dal look at students having a full course load?
I have not wrote the DAT. What is a competitive score?
Also I have no dentistry relevant shadowing experience. How many hours are a competitive amount? Or do they even focus on shadowing?

What do you suggest my next steps be?

Also for some reason I can not find a thread about the entering class of 2016? Could someone post the link for me.

Any information would be helpful! Thank you for your time!!

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First of all, since you're applying as a third year student, you won't get one year removed (AFAIK, Dal removes your worst year if you've completed your bachelors degree).

The 2014 Class had an average GPA of ~3.7 with a minimum 21AA on the DAT. I'm assuming that average GPA moved up to 3.8.

With your current GPA, you're right at the 3.7 average. There is no guarantee's but you could try.

There is no shadowing requirement, just letters of reference + personal statement.

edit: That 3.7 is based off of a 4.0 scale. Meaning your real GPA is 3.44. But maybe it's different for already Dal students.
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