
  1. L

    Sending Letter of Recommendation after submitting secondaries and being marked as "completed"

    Hello fellow stressed out pre-meds, I have been pulling hairs ever since I received an email from the physician I have been working with that he finally finished my LoR, and he insisted that he made it a strong letter. I really want to submit it to the schools I've already sent and got...
  2. 2026PreMed

    How important is a Clinical Medical Job ?

    Hello all. I am already racking up Clinical Volunteer hours and will be collecting non-clinical hours and research hours soon. Assuming I have these in good quantities by my application date (2026) would a medical job really help or would I be better off investing the time into GPA/MCAT...
  3. C


    Date of submission: 6/15 Overall GPA: 3.82 Science GPA: 3.78 Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: 3.85 DAT: AA: 22 TS: 22 Minority? No Reapplicant? No Would appreciate any feedback (if I should apply more broadly, etc)! I understand that it is a bit top-heavy, but focusing on location and possible...
  4. D

    Reusing application materials

    I am planning to submit my apps and would like to know how much material I can reuse from last year, if I only had submitted a primary, but not secondaries? Last cycle, I had submitted my primary but withdrew prior to submitting secondaries due to personal reasons and it being late in the cycle...
  5. L

    Help with School List

    Hello! I just got back my MCAT and I was hoping to get help tailoring my med school list. Hoping to apply this cycle with no gap year. Residence: Michigan (hoping to stay in state) Background: ORM (Muslim, South Asian Female) cGPA/MCAT: 3.64/519 -130/127/131/131 LORs/PS: LORs are from two MD...
  6. E

    anyone with a disability applied to top tier medical schools?

    Has anyone (with a disability) applied to medical schools? I'm rly nervous to disclose my disability in my application and want to hear others' experiences. Plz PM me your experiences
  7. M

    Application advice from a 6-year admissions consultant

    After working with 300+ students to develop and submit their applications, I watch students do the stupidest things (e.g. “I want to write a secondary about how I grew up rich and how I’m proud of it and don’t think I should hide it” – his exact words by the way). I also witness incredible...
  8. B

    New DPT Program at Univ. of Arizona Starting in Fall 2025!

    For students looking for a program with an innovative curriculum at an affordable tuition, University of Arizona is seeking accreditation for a new Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Applications open on PTCAS in June 2024 for the first inaugural class incoming fall 2025. Our program is...
  9. T

    NJ Licensee Question

    One of the requirements for applying for an NJ dental license is "the applicant's complete professional employment history." Does that mean your entire employment history over your whole life or just your employment history after graduating from dental school or some other professional program...
  10. Unsweet_Tea_Enthusiast

    MD/PhD apps: Update Letter? What to put on it other than recent pub?

    Hi everyone :) I am applying currently, and I have a new pub (review article, co-first author). I was hoping to use this as a way to communicate my interest in some schools that 1) I have interviewed at or 2) I haven't received II's from. But I realized that I haven't done as much as I had...
  11. E

    Michigan DPT 2023-2024 Applications

    Hey! I noticed that a thread hasn't been started for the 2023-2024 application cycle for Michigan DPT schools, so I figured I would get one going. I think it would be good to stay updated on where schools are at with their processes and also celebrate each others interviews and acceptances...
  12. hcl21

    Population interests Psy D applications

    As a Psy D applicant, how important is it to have a target population that you are interested in working with? I have my personal statement centered around tailoring treatment to meet individual needs and mention my experience working with [XXX chronic condition] populations and my interest in...
  13. D

    DO application date, and chances of acceptance based on stats, help on school list as well

    So, at the moment I am an Early Decision Applicant for an MD school, with the following stats Major - Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers cGPA: 3.83 sGPA: 3.82 MCAT 1: 129/125/128/128 510 MCAT 2: 130/127/127/127 511 this is my concern, I retook, and dropped on B/B and P/S ORM Asian Research...
  14. O


  15. T

    C- on transcripts??

    Hi there!! I have 2 C- grades on my undergraduate transcripts in a gen Chem course and the gen chem lab. I went on to complete a masters in bio and in that program I got As in both Biochem classes I took, and I retook the DAT and scored a 21 in GC and a 19 in OC. I’m a reapplicant to dental...
  16. D

    Fellowship - Geographic Preference

    Hello! Question for fellowship applicants who aren't committed to staying in a specific region: How do you guys plan to answer the geographic preference question? My worry is that programs will rank applicants higher if they prefer their region. Thoughts?
  17. DrRedstone

    Official 2023-2024 Allergy & Immunology Application Thread

    The process is nothing to sneeze about. Share any updated information you have here. If someone makes a Google Spreadsheet, I can put it in this post as well. GroupMe: GroupMe
  18. M

    Electrophysiology Fellowship 2024

    Hello all! Since ERAS has opened, I decided to create a WhatsApp group for this year’s applicants. Send me your number if you’d like to be added!
  19. G

    WARMC: 508 MCAT 3.82 sGPA

    I just got my mcat score back. Feeling discouraged because my score is unbalanced. (129/123/127/129). I am not sure what happened on this cars because i never score lower than a 126 on my FLs. I really don't want to retake it unless absolutely necessary but I want to know what my chances are at...
  20. S

    Nontrad (3.66/521) - WAMC + School List Help

    Basically, I'm looking for both a general WAMC and some ideas of low- and mid-tier schools to add to my list, which I think is too top-heavy for my cumulative GPA, lack of pubs/posters, and low service hours. Not really interested in TMDSAS or DO schools. All advice welcome! Background...
  21. Mr.Smile12

    ARTICLE PUBLISHED: Other Impactful Experiences

    Updating, the article is out
  22. Dental_Dude120

    EO Indicator

    For the EO indicator on the pdf application, it says both my parents are NC, but according to the ADEA, they should both be classified as EO-1. Will the NC change to EO-1 once my application is verified or should I call the ADEA?
  23. T

    Reapplicant with some questions

    Unfortunately, I havent heard from any schools and I am now preparing for the upcoming cycle for 2023. I have a low sgpa of a 2.6 and plan to offset that by attending the Rutgers Dental Scholars program. Being a reapplicant, I had a few questions about resubmitting my application. Should I...
  24. Collin Brisson

    Ontario Med Schools - Where to Focus for Upcoming Applications?

    Hi everybody, I'm a non-traditional applicant in Ontario, Canada. I've just determined that I want to make the jump and apply for med school. I have a science undergrad and a Bachelors of Education, and I've worked as a teacher and a tutor for the past two years in Ontario. I'm looking for...
  25. B

    WAMC: Should I delay my application? - cGPA: 3.58, sGPA: 3.63

    UPDATE: I just received my MCAT score and I'm bumping this post up to see if I should still delay my application or apply this cycle. cGPA and sGPA as calculated by AMCAS or AACOMAS cGPA: 3.60 sGPA: 3.63 Undergrad cGPA: 3.44 Undergrad sGPA: 3.47 Post-Bacc GPA: 4.00 No upwards or downward...
  26. C

    Samuel Merritt DPT 2022-2023

    Hi! I just wanted to start a thread for those who have applied to Samuel Merritt’s DPT program this cycle. Samuel Merritt’s website said we should be hearing back in December. We can exchange info on if anyone has heard back or their number on the waitlist. Good luck to everyone!
  27. K

    Which General Surgery programs are the Least Competitive?

    Whether they are malignant or at a remote location, I hear about the most competitive allot, but nothing about the least competitive to enter (for a DO) Essentially, My application is pretty bad, but I am on a surgery rotation right now and am falling in love with it. I don't care where in the...
  28. A

    Program-Specific Info / Q's SJSU 2022-2023 Cycle

    Hi all! I haven't seen a thread created yet for this year's cycle for SJSU, so I thought I'd start one for anyone who has questions as we work on the application/go through the process. I know on their website SJSU says to keep our personal statements to 500 words/1 page long, but does anyone...
  29. S

    Why don't mathematics count as sGPA?

    Mini rant here... But I did pretty well on my mathematics courses in college and I need the GPA boost. But AACOMAS isn't going to count them I mean I know there is nothing I can do but can someone provide some clarification? The courses are Calculus 1, and Statistics Dx
  30. G

    Dermatopathology Fellowship Applications 2024-2025

    Please share any information you have regarding dermpath fellowship applications/interviews for positions starting in 2024 Here's what I've heard so far: Cedars-Sinai - filled Stanford - filled Arkansas - filled USF - filled Moffitt/USF - filled U Texas HSC Anderson - filled Colorado - not...
  31. shoomer

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Application Thread 2022-2023

    Didn't see a thread yet for this cycle so I figured I'd start this with programs receiving applications soon.
  32. M

    freshman letter of recommendation for research? mention a research experience that is not mentioned in work/activities section?

    Hi Everyone, I am planning to submit my AMCAS for MD/PhD programs in a few days, and genuinely looking for advice for the following situations: 1. Since I planned to apply for MD-only programs as well, I tried to balance activities/work section with more clinical/leadership stuff that are...
  33. endroller78

    Really Need Some Direction: Low GPA/Stagnant Trend, should I do a postbac for MD?

    General Information: I'm a first-generation student, and I am currently a student studying biochem, and I originally planned on applying for the 2024 cycle (one gap year). My senior year is about to start soon (2022-2023). I left some details left unclear for privacy. If you want to know the...
  34. GettinAfterIt

    Earliest date that schools start accepting people?

    Hey everyone, I know we are really early in the cycle. I’m just trying to get a relative timeline set up for my family. I applied to 45 schools MD/DO. I submitted my app as early as possible for both application services. When is the earliest I could see an acceptance? I’ve heard some people...
  35. Lil’King

    Biomedical Engineering adding to Med School Class Diversity

    I am trying to brainstorm ways in which a student with a bachelor's in Biomedical Engineering would add to the diversity of the medical school class in a positive way. In practice, it could be beneficial to assess the clinical relevance of novel medical devices, technological integration, or...
  36. V

    UPEI/AVC DVM: Should I look into Master's Programs?

    Hello! I applied to AVC for the first time during this cycle from NL. Obviously, the competition from NL is high given that there are only 2 seats for the province. I currently have a Bachelor of Science (Honours) and I work full-time as an unregistered technician (while working towards a...
  37. C


  38. M

    MCAT, Secondaries, etc. Advice, please!

    Hi everyone, Wanted to ask about secondaries, MCAT, etc. I know there is a ton of info available but I just wanted to see if anyone had specific advice for my situation. I am taking the MCAT end of June. I was scheduled for next week but had a minor incident and have spent a few days on pain...
  39. beakdoc

    AADSAS Dental Experience vs Employment

    Hello, I am a 2023 cycle applicant and have worked in dentistry for an extended amount of time. Since almost all my work experience is in the dental field, do I place all of that in the Dental Experience category, Employment category , or do I need to place some in both? Thank you
  40. W

    "Do you have a parent or legal guardian who is a physician or is in medical school?"

    I am filling out the application, and one question asks "Do you have a parent or legal guardian who is a physician or is in medical school?" My mother went to medical school before immigrating to the US and obtained an MBBS, but never practiced (in that country or in the US). In the US, she was...