Dental Do I need to retake Chemistry for a third time after an F and C?

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Mar 12, 2013
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Hello! I took general chemistry twice, the first time I got an F! the second time I got a C
Yes, chemistry is not my subject.
My question is, will dental schools average it to a d+? does that mean I have to retake it again to be average to at least a C? Or they
ll take the C but the GPA for the course will count averaged to a D+?
I'd appreciate the help!
From my knowledge, dental schools don’t do grade replacement so your GPA will include both courses taken. However, you passed the course with a C so you should be good (for passing the course).

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Or they'll take the C but the GPA for the course will count averaged to a D+?
This. You passed the course on your second attempt (so you're good there), but when calculating your GPAs, both the F and the C will count as a D average in your GPA ((0.0 + 2.0)/2 = 1.0 = D). Move on from this and make sure you do well in Ochem as that is a whole other beast. Make sure both of your GPAs are above a 3.0 or you may need to look into Masters programs!
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