Do TMDSAS schools have a preference for committee letters?

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Apr 6, 2024
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Trying to decide whether I should wait on my committee letter to be sent in or whether I should change my rec letters to individual ones sent via interfolio

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Trying to decide whether I should wait on my committee letter to be sent in or whether I should change my rec letters to individual ones sent via interfolio
There aren’t many TX colleges that do a committee letter, so it’s more common to send individual letters.
Sending a committee letter kind of makes it easier on you, especially if you are also going to apply to AMCAS schools, because you can send it anywhere.
I realize some of the colleges have some pretty strict requirements and guidelines for getting a letter and some students miss a deadline. The TMDSAS schools know that the date of the letter submission is beyond your control though so if you have gone to the work to get one, you can safely wait.