Does ORM immigrant count as a marginalized group?

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Jul 6, 2024
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I am trying to pre-write some UC secondaries, and I am conflicted on answering if I was part of a group that has been marginalized in terms of education or healthcare. I was a first-gen immigrant, and I believe immigrants, especially those with limited English proficiency, experience educational and health disparities. However, I see on reddit that ORM immigrants do not count as a marginalized group? Should I answer the marginalized group question then?

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I am trying to pre-write some UC secondaries, and I am conflicted on answering if I was part of a group that has been marginalized in terms of education or healthcare. I was a first-gen immigrant, and I believe immigrants, especially those with limited English proficiency, experience educational and health disparities. However, I see on reddit that ORM immigrants do not count as a marginalized group? Should I answer the marginalized group question then?
If you are Hmong, Cambodian or a member of another Asian group with healthcare disparities, this would be good time to discuss it (especially if you speak that language).
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First-generation and immigrants are marginalized in general because they don't have the same comfort level of access to American society's resources.

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It depends.... what were your specific circumstances? If your parents were highly educated professionals who arrived on work visas or were otherwise recruited to the US, then you have less of a claim as a member of a marginalized group than if you arrived with next to nothing as a political refugee or as a family who arrived without papers (undocumented) and who struggled with the underground economy.
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