Does this count as a "semester of Calc"?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 6, 2009
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So, I know that many/most medical schools require a semester of calculus. I was wondering if this class would fulfill the requirement: Elements of Calculus " Introductory topics in differential and integral calculus." It isn't "Calculus 1" but rather a survey of Calc 1 + 2. Does this fill the requirement or do I need to take Calc 1?

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So, I know that many/most medical schools require a semester of calculus. I was wondering if this class would fulfill the requirement: Elements of Calculus " Introductory topics in differential and integral calculus." It isn't "Calculus 1" but rather a survey of Calc 1 + 2. Does this fill the requirement or do I need to take Calc 1?

It will most likely fulfill it.
I'd ask your college pre-health advisor, as no one here will be as familiar with your school's curriculum.
I'd ask your college pre-health advisor, as no one here will be as familiar with your school's curriculum.

^Snarky's right.

That being said, a survey course that covers calc I & II would seem likely to cover the requirement for a single-semester course.