Does your school have Lecture and labs as separate grades?*

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Jul 5, 2010
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Hi guys,

Im taking orgo next year and we have the option of registering the lab component as a separate half credit course or combining the lab and lecture grades as one course. Is there a difference in how these are viewed? If I usually do above average on labs and usually below average on exams, should I choose the option of combining the two grades so the exam scores don't stand out? Thanks

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If you separate the lab and the lecture, you can show medical schools how you do in practical settings; whereas the lecture/lab combo just shows how you do in theory. If I were you, I would separate the two just to say that you are good at both, theory and hands-on materials.
If you typically do below average on exams, you should focus on improving your study habits and test taking skills. Not trying to be harsh, but you will not have great chances of getting into med school with below average grades.
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If you typically do below average on exams, you should focus on improving your study habits and test taking skills. Not trying to be harsh, but you will not have great chances of getting into med school with below average grades.
I agree. You're not really helping yourself by trying to hide test grades with a combined lab/lecture course.
it won't matter. nobody will notice or care. just do your best on both. good luck.
GPA-wise it wouldn't matter. Overall, it likely doesn't matter at all.

I'd say split it just for self-esteem's sake. My A's in orgo labs always made me feel a little bit better about myself when I look at my transcript...
I doubt anyone is going to know your school well enough/scrutinize your application close enough to even notice.

Even if they do the chance that someone would care about something so asinine is a little doofy.

GPA wise I'd take the 4 hour class, depending on how the grades are calculated it can help you out.