DPT/PhD Degrees

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Jul 29, 2013
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I'm interested in possibly getting a PhD after I earn my DPT either in a dual program or separately. I have a couple questions I have yet to find clear answers to.

1) Is there a difference in pay for PT's that get a PhD? I mostly want to get the PhD for research purposes but I don't want to waste time and money.

2) Is it easier to find a job?

3) For anyone that has/is getting their PhD, what did you get it in and was it worth it? I'm still not sure exactly what I want to pursue but I'm in undergrad and I have been floating around a few ideas in my head.

Thank you all for your help and insight.

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One thing I didn't mention in the other thread is that PhDs or terminal doctorates are mostly for faculty. So if you want to teach PT, a PhD is nearly required in many programs, and essential for research universities.

Only do the PhD if:

1. You are passionate about research and are innately inquisitive.
2. Have significant stamina for writing and research, and are not bored easily.
3. Have funding external to yourself.
4. Are willing to forego years of pay and retirement benefits if you go full-time in order to complete the program.


Josh Morrison
Director, Student Enrollment Services
IU School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, IUPUI
[email protected]
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Correct and teaching is something I am interested down the road. First I would like start off doing PT and maybe down the road change it up and take more of an academic position. I would just want to get my PhD while I was still in "school mode" instead of going back years down the road.

Thanks again.