DPT/PhD dual programs?

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Jul 4, 2015
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Does anyone know of a list of schools that offer this?

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Does anyone know of a list of schools that offer this?
I second Azimuthal... but off the top: Northwestern DPT/PhD Engineering, University of Delaware DPT/PhD Biomechanics and Temple DPT/PhD Neuromotor Control.
I searched "dpt phd dual" and there isn't much
I think Rosalind Franklin and UIC in Illinois does as well, or was it a masters?
OSU, Rutgers, Emory. Google search is your friend.
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Rutgers north offers DPT/PhD in biomedical sciences
TWU offers DPT/PhD in physical therapy.
Emory has one with georgia tech, DPT/PhD in applied physiology I believe
If you want to do this, then make sure to see that tuition is dramatically reduced or waved by doing the double degree very similar to MD/PhD.

Some schools offer them but nobody does them really because the clinical degree price tag isn't waved. Theyre really slapping themselves in the face with that.
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