Dropbox for PT School

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Pre-PT Student
10+ Year Member
Dec 10, 2010
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Hey guys,

I am a first year DPT student. In our class, we use Dropbox all the time to share files such as lecture recordings, study guides, and notes.

Its free and something I recommend having for graduate school. If you have not signed up yet, please use my link below (again, its free and I get some extra space if you use my link).


Congratulations to all that were accepted to PT school this year! And if you didn't, keep your head up... you will!

Private message me if you have any questions about Dropbox or about DPT school. :thumbup:

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Edit: Never mind. I see you get extra space.

Looks decent, but how is this actually useful to you for your studies?
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We use Dropbox a lot. Somebody in our class records all the lectures and uploads them. Other students share flashcards. Useful tool. So is a Facebook page for your class.

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There is also a Dropbox app so you can access files from your phone. Great if you have a train/bus commute to school and have some time to study.

Also, after two of my classmates had their hard drives crash during finals last fall, I put all my school files in drop box until I had a chance to get a backup drive.
Great for sharing lecture recordings when in a classroom w/o that media feature.
Most DPT schools are less competitive in nature and more of a "we are in it together to succeed" feeling.

The amount of material presented is ridiculous! It's like trying to drink water from a fire house... so much info!!!

Its hard to keep up....so we use Dropbox to share files like study guides, notes, and especially lecture recordings to help each other out.
Thanks for the great advice! Have you had to do any write ups? I had a grad school friend of mind mention grammarly and I am wondering if this service is worth me investing. Grammar is not my strong suit.