I caught the tail end of hand written prescriptions in med school and residency. As a med student, "here, write my prescriptions for me." Excitedly scribbling away.
As resident, man this is a pain, why can't I just use that computer over there.
Now I'm disgruntled by all the warnings, pop ups, "are you sure?" and now being a master mouse manipulator.
With a likely false nostalgia, I reminisce for a prescription pad, a quality pen, tearing it off, and directly handing it to a person face to face. Even cracking open a fresh box order of prescriptions, the small, the clean crisp piles of stacked pads, all ready to work. Heck even the splurge of antiquity, perhaps quill and ink? But that's likely to never happen. If anything, we'll get 10 more clicks added to the work flow by the bureaucratic flavor of the day.
To answer OPs question I use the DrFirst /Rcopia that was connected with Luminello, and now with SimplePractice.