Effect of being a reapplicant on matching IM

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Jul 26, 2017
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Hi everyone, I'm applying a surgical sub next year. Currently on a research year for the surgical sub. I'm pretty competitive for the field but I'm game-planning what I'm going to do if I end up not matching (match rate is like 50% so its a toss up for everybody). I go to a top 20 school, I got honors in every rotation except primary care, will probably have like 20 pubs when I apply (albeit most will probably be in the surgical field) and low 260s on step 2. I think my game plan right now if I don't match in 2025 would be to do an IM sub-i and reapply the surgical sub and IM as a dual applicant (really like cards). The chances of matching this surgical sub as a reapplicant are <50% so I'd most likely end up in IM. My question is: given my application and stats what type of IM program could I get into as a reapplicant? I think I'd probably have no shot at the MGH and Hopkins tier schools as a reapplicant who clearly previously applied a surgical sub. Would I have a chance at higher/mid-tier places like Mount Sinai, UPMC, Albert Einstein etc. which aren't super competitive as a reapplicant who clearly previously was applying for a surgical sub? I'd really like to match a decent IM program because my understanding is that is the most important variable in matching the competitive fellowships like cards and GI.

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I'd really like to match a decent IM program because my understanding is that is the most important variable in matching the competitive fellowships like cards and GI.
I’ve seen DO grads at low-tier academic residencies match GI. My takeaway is to not stress about matching top-tier IM if one wants to do a fellowship. Having a home cards/GI/onc fellowship program is probably more important than the tier of IM residency.
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Hi everyone, I'm applying a surgical sub next year. Currently on a research year for the surgical sub. I'm pretty competitive for the field but I'm game-planning what I'm going to do if I end up not matching (match rate is like 50% so its a toss up for everybody). I go to a top 20 school, I got honors in every rotation except primary care, will probably have like 20 pubs when I apply (albeit most will probably be in the surgical field) and low 260s on step 2. I think my game plan right now if I don't match in 2025 would be to do an IM sub-i and reapply the surgical sub and IM as a dual applicant (really like cards). The chances of matching this surgical sub as a reapplicant are <50% so I'd most likely end up in IM. My question is: given my application and stats what type of IM program could I get into as a reapplicant? I think I'd probably have no shot at the MGH and Hopkins tier schools as a reapplicant who clearly previously applied a surgical sub. Would I have a chance at higher/mid-tier places like Mount Sinai, UPMC, Albert Einstein etc. which aren't super competitive as a reapplicant who clearly previously was applying for a surgical sub? I'd really like to match a decent IM program because my understanding is that is the most important variable in matching the competitive fellowships like cards and GI.
Those numbers should be fine for mid-tier academic IM programs, even as a re-applicant who clearly had previous interest in a surgical subspecialty. As long as you can reasonably strong IM letters. Apply broadly if you're uncertain since ERAS currently still does not limit the number of programs one can apply to. Make sure the program has an in-house cardiology fellowship, and nearly all mid-tier academic programs will.
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Hi every sorry to bring this thread back from the dead. What type of im programs would I be able to target in this situation? Would I mainly be hoping for the mid-tier academics?
I think you didn't get many useful answers over the summer because you're so far out that it's impossible to give you a good answer. There are too many hypotheticals.

You will definitely be able to get into a "good" program that can get you to a procedural subspecialty.
No I posted this way in advance lol. I am applying as a US MD senior next year. If I don't match and have to reapply that would be in 2025. The main reason I ask this question (and I admit as @GoSpursGo there are just way too many unknown variables to really know what would happen) is that if people thought I couldn't get into a good IM program that would let me do cards/GI/PulmCC then I would probably bail on IM and try for gas gen surg or radiology( with the plan of doing IR, though that would probably be pretty tough).
You can’t do IR as a backup, it is essentially a surgical subspecialty itself.

You wouldn’t get hopkins IM but undoubtedly there would be plenty of strong programs that will happily take a 260+ step two with double digit pubs.
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