EK Verbal Strategy

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10+ Year Member
Feb 13, 2009
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Does anyone feel that the verbal strategy help? like try to paraphrase the answer choices? I am stuck between 10-11 for the past 10 tests I dont know what to do now.

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Does anyone feel that the verbal strategy help? like try to paraphrase the answer choices? I am stuck between 10-11 for the past 10 tests I dont know what to do now.
I found that it helped a little, but you have to figure out what's best for you. The only way to do this is to carefully go through all your answers, especially the incorrect ones, and try to figure out what you were thinking and why you got it wrong. Also make sure you can relate a lot of the questions to the main idea.
However I found that their strategies of writing out the main idea, or trying to figure out the answer from the question stems to be a waste of time.