Elective in the royal melbourne hospital. Which discipline??

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Nov 11, 2011
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Hi there
I'm a French medical student currently trying to organise my elective for july/august 2013 in the royal melbourne hospital.
I'm not too sure of which department to choose... i'd be interested by most of them (but surgery) maybe more by cardiology/neurology/endocrinology/infectious disease/emergency/dermatology

But i guess some departement are better than others i mean in terms of learning and involvement of the student into patient care. Do you have any recommandations? Somewhere where you really had a blast? :)
I'm pretty clueless right now.

Also i was wondering how electives were organized... is it just observation or do you actually "touch the patient"; do physical examination, and eventually do some "gestures" (puncture, blood taking...)

Thank you for any help you can offer me!

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neurology at RMH has a really, good reputation, and it's one of the only centres in australia (?) where neurologists are doing interventional work. bon chance :)