Emergency supplies

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15+ Year Member
Jun 28, 2006
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Just wondering what you all feel is the necessary emergency equipment and drugs to have immediately available for an office based practice?

just as a background, I do everything under local only and work in a small office with an MA and receptionist.

I wanted your thoughts before I shell out a ton of money for unnecessary drugs and equipment.


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For most things you would call 911. Just need to keep them alive until they arrive. AED, ambu bag, and an epi pen or vial of epi. Atropine is nice to have if they vasovagal bad.
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Get a stat kit.
Thats all you need.
They will mail you replacement supplies and meds by subscription.

Sure you can build your own but do you want to spend the time doing it and replenishing expired meds?
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epi, benadryl, solumedrol, O2, zofran, pepcid, glucagon.
And the supplies to administer.
And copies of attached article in room.


  • Emergency-Protocols-Rosenthal.pdf
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Add Lysol, Clorox wipes, charmin. Maybe soon hamburger meat. All emergency items
epi, benadryl, solumedrol, O2, zofran, pepcid, glucagon.
And the supplies to administer.
And copies of attached article in room.

do you give some of these meds IM? which ones? I don't start IVs for some of the patients
I guess now is a good time to ask - are folks still putting in an IV before cervical and thoracic epidurals, stellates, etc? I am, but I get quite a bit a pushback from patients. I have never needed to use one, but I don't want to wish one was in either.
I do IV's for sympathetic blocks and have a bit of fluid running just in case.

I don't for ESI. Any intralaminar I do not put local in epidural space, just ns and steroid.

My partner uses bupi/steroid/fent in lesi and lido/steroid in tesi and higher and thus always has IV.

You may want to check with your malpractice coverage and see if they require any IV. I was told for cervical procedures ours wanted us to have an IV placed. That is actually something I need to follow up on....
I do IV's for sympathetic blocks and have a bit of fluid running just in case.

I don't for ESI. Any intralaminar I do not put local in epidural space, just ns and steroid.

My partner uses bupi/steroid/fent in lesi and lido/steroid in tesi and higher and thus always has IV.

You may want to check with your malpractice coverage and see if they require any IV. I was told for cervical procedures ours wanted us to have an IV placed. That is actually something I need to follow up on....

Your partner sounds a bit fringe. And cringeworthy.
I put in IV only for high volume LA blocks, such as the rare stellate, LSB or celiac. in those cases, should consider stocking valium and intralipid, but that is $$$$ and a lot of increased compliance issues (where to keep and store safely, controlled substance etc.)

epi can go IM or SC. the others can all go IM.

would add naloxone (can be the nasal spray version) and atropine to lobelsteve's list of junk.

fwiw, that STAT kit is $1000, for what should cost $50.
I guess now is a good time to ask - are folks still putting in an IV before cervical and thoracic epidurals, stellates, etc? I am, but I get quite a bit a pushback from patients. I have never needed to use one, but I don't want to wish one was in either.
Only for sgb. No sedation. Don't use local in esis. I'm starting to think it's overkill for sgb.
I do IV's for sympathetic blocks and have a bit of fluid running just in case.

I don't for ESI. Any intralaminar I do not put local in epidural space, just ns and steroid.

My partner uses bupi/steroid/fent in lesi and lido/steroid in tesi and higher and thus always has IV.

You may want to check with your malpractice coverage and see if they require any IV. I was told for cervical procedures ours wanted us to have an IV placed. That is actually something I need to follow up on....
I seriously doubt this to be true