English Requirements

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15+ Year Member
Mar 17, 2008
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I'm sure this has been discussed before but, ...I am already most of the way through the application process and I noticed one small thing that may be an issue for me. I only have 3 credits of actual "English". My engineering degree only required three, but I also have 9 history, 6 anthropology, 6 communications, 6 writing, and some more credits from "writing intensive" courses. I hope that's enough "English" to fulfill the requirements at all of the schools that I have sent primary applications.

What do you all think I should do? Do I need to enroll and take one more English course this fall? I think it's a little late for this type of correction. Maybe I should call each school and check before I send them a secondary app. that is going to be rejected on a technicality like this.

Any advice would be great.

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I wrote PCOM about their 3 credit hour requirement of literature, and they weren't willing to make any substitutions. Other schools might be more lenient though.
I called PNWU and they had me email their dean of admissions concerning my English and writing credits. I guess my real questions is: Is writing considered English?

English composition seems to me to be essay writing. If thats the case then my writing courses should be acceptable. If not then I may find myself in school for 3 credits of English from the actual English department. (All of my writing couses were taught by the English profs. as well so I would imagine that writing would fly for "English".)
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From Cornell's website...(just picked it at random from google search)

"Most medical schools will accept two First-Year Writing Seminars in fulfillment of their
writing requirement. Some, however, specifically require English
.[FONT=JNPLNW+Helvetica-Bold][FONT=JNPLNW+Helvetica-Bold]literature ..[FONT=DIHAZF+Helvetica][FONT=DIHAZF+Helvetica]and
composition. Students who plan to apply to these schools should take either their
First-Year Writing Seminars or advanced courses in the Department of ..[FONT=JNPLNW+Helvetica-Bold][FONT=JNPLNW+Helvetica-Bold]English..[FONT=DIHAZF+Helvetica][FONT=DIHAZF+Helvetica]."

Looks like writing should be sufficient for the English requirement. I may have been stressing over a non-issue.

well... I am talking to myself on this thread but, if anyone else is wondering about their English credits this may help ya out.

I called Western and asked them about how they treat writing courses and their reply was, "Writing and English are interchangable for the osteopathic school."

Hope this helps someone else out. :)
Thanks dude! I asked Western but haven't gotten a reply yet. Do you know what you would classify the classes under then on the AACOMAS? If it's writing-intensive but not specifically on English lit...

Thanks again!
Thanks dude! I asked Western but haven't gotten a reply yet. Do you know what you would classify the classes under then on the AACOMAS? If it's writing-intensive but not specifically on English lit...

Thanks again!

This thread is almost a year old...