European physicians fleeing socialized healthcare

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20+ Year Member
Mar 20, 2003
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Adjunct to the very heated debate on this forum concerning socialized healthcare (SH). The opponents of SH brought up the point that doctors from countries with socialized healthcare tend to pack up and go to US. This was simply dismissed by SH proponents. Read this:,1518,399537,00.html

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Adjunct to the very heated debate on this forum concerning socialized healthcare (SH). The opponents of SH brought up the point that doctors from countries with socialized healthcare tend to pack up and go to US. This was simply dismissed by SH proponents. Read this:,1518,399537,00.html

This article is 15 months old, and outlines one of the most beaten-to-death events in modern international medical history. Essentially, German physicians used to make money by working for straight state gigs supplemented with private clinic work. The gov cracked down on the profitable clinic work, salaries plummeted and all Hell broke loose. I'd be curious to know what has happened in the meantime.

It is well known that docs in other countries don't make as much as we do, but their incomes vary as widely as their working conditions. Australian physicians, for instance, work in a two tiered system and make almost as much as we do in the states. In Panama doctors submit 40 hours per week in free labor caring for the population. That's right, they work 40 hours per week, every week, without earning a dime. Don't cry for them, as a few extra hours in that economy can net enough to buy a palace downtown and have an armada of servants.

In summary, I'm drunk. F**k you and the horse you typed in on.
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