Experience Section

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5+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2017
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Hey guys!

I had a couple questions pertaining to the experience section on the AADSAS.

1) For shadowing experiences, most of the shadowing I did were with local dentists for ranging from a few days to a few weeks. Would I put "per diem" or "temporary" for the status of my experience date? I also did a shadowing internship, I am assuming I should put "temporary" for my date status also?

2) How come there is not an "Awards, Honors, Scholarships" category for experiences anymore? Should I place experiences for these under Academic Enrichment instead due to this?


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Hey guys!

I had a couple questions pertaining to the experience section on the AADSAS.

1) For shadowing experiences, most of the shadowing I did were with local dentists for ranging from a few days to a few weeks. Would I put "per diem" or "temporary" for the status of my experience date? I also did a shadowing internship, I am assuming I should put "temporary" for my date status also?

2) How come there is not an "Awards, Honors, Scholarships" category for experiences anymore? Should I place experiences for these under Academic Enrichment instead due to this?


2) There's a section called "Achievements" for awards, honors, and scholarships
For shadowing, do I put "volunteered" experience under "Experience Details" since the other options are "Compensated" and "Received Academic Credit"?