Passed level 1 but failed step 1. Will I match into fm, IM, pm&r, psych, or neuro if I can pass level 2? No other red flags on my record
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Faculty at my school said I would have to report all scores including stepsLuckily as a DO i dont believe you have to report step attempts at all if you don’t want to. You’ll match those specialties.
I've had student fail Step I and it didn't hurt them for the DO friendly specialties, like those you list.Passed level 1 but failed step 1. Will I match into fm, IM, pm&r, or neuro if I can pass level 2? No other red flags on my record
I don't believe so. I have heard many DO people saying otherwise. Although I 100% think it should be required to report them as it's essentially a no harm no foul situation for doing poorly on a test that all MD students have to report.It’s my understanding with the merger you must report both
You don't have to report the USMLE, however there are aspects that students should be aware of. If a PD filters applicants via the checkbox "USMLE Pass?" then any student who failed is obviously screened out, but also students who did not take the exam at all are screened out, so either way you would not get past that filter. This is something that has been brought to AACOM to do what they can to get that question changed to "Step 1/Level 1 pass?" so if a student passed one OR the other, they would not get filtered through. That is a huge issue we are trying hard to get corrected for you!I don't believe so. I have heard many DO people saying otherwise. Although I 100% think it should be required to report them as it's essentially a no harm no foul situation for doing poorly on a test that all MD students have to report.
The first paragraph is correct, If I create a filter for S1=Pass, people who didn't take/release a USMLE transcript will be filtered out. However, presumably there are programs out there that want DO's, and those that don't. The one's that do will create a filter that says (Step 1 = Pass) OR (Level 1 = Pass) and then all the DO's will be in the filter. Those programs that don't want DO's (a stupid decision in my view) won't be moved by trying to trick them with a new filter question setting. Also, what happens if someone passes Level 1 but fails step 1 and releases their transcript? Does Step 1 / Level 1 pass? filter that person in or out?You don't have to report the USMLE, however there are aspects that students should be aware of. If a PD filters applicants via the checkbox "USMLE Pass?" then any student who failed is obviously screened out, but also students who did not take the exam at all are screened out, so either way you would not get past that filter. This is something that has been brought to AACOM to do what they can to get that question changed to "Step 1/Level 1 pass?" so if a student passed one OR the other, they would not get filtered through. That is a huge issue we are trying hard to get corrected for you!
Next is another slight difference in reports. If a DO student takes Step and doesn't report it, the PD will see something similar to "Not released" vs if a student has not taken that exam the report is something to the effect of "unavailable or not applicable". So program directors will understand it was taken but not released, so they assume the worst, that you failed. With those two things in mind, decide accordingly how to proceed.
You're putting yourself in the worst position possible by reporting a failure that you don't have to report in the first place. BTW You'll be Ok applying Neuro with only COMLEX as long you do well enough on Level 2.Just to avoid problems, I will report my failed step 1. I will not retake it. I am just concerned as to whether I can match anything with a fail on my record without a retake.
is there any solid evidence that I don't have to report? The worst position I would be putting myself in would be a match violation.You're putting yourself in the worst position possible by reporting a failure that you don't have to report in the first place. BTW You'll be Ok applying Neuro with only COMLEX as long you do well enough on Level 2.
I mean, a former program director in this thread said you don't have to report. If you don't believe him and choose to report anyways, that's your prerogative, but you would be shooting yourself in the foot for no reason.is there any solid evidence that I don't have to report? The worst position I would be putting myself in would be a match violation.
I totally understand that it won't be ideal. I may even retake step 1 towards the end of the year if I feel prepared. Atm I'm just somewhat burnt out and would like to hear stories of those who failed step 1, didn't retake it, and still ended up matching. Just seems like no one has done it that way considering everyone is saying don't report but my school says I have to. Tough spot to be in.I mean, a former program director in this thread said you don't have to report. If you don't believe him and choose to report anyways, that's your prerogative, but you would be shooting yourself in the foot for no reason.
Thanks for the reassurance. On your interviews, was your level 2 retake brought up?Well the evidence is in fact, me. Although a slightly different scenario.
End of second year
Took Step 1 passed on first try with 204
Level 1 pass on first try with 425
September 2021
Applied Neuro, released both Step 1 and Level 1 while working on taking Step 2 and Level 2.
October 2021
Failed Step 2 and Level 2 on first try.
December 2021
Retook Level 2
January 2022
Passed Level 2 on second attempt
Didn't re-release my USMLE transcript due to my failed Step 2 (so only my step 1 was released to programs).
Close to rank list due date, one program of my 13 Neuro interviews asked about it, and I straight up told them I didn't pass it.
March 2022
Still matched Neuro at a great community program.
Although, I didn't release my Level 2 failure right after I got it in October. I was upfront about it in all my interviews. I informed every single PD that I received an unsatisfactory score, that I was working towards a retake, and that I would update them before the rank list due date.Thanks for the reassurance. On your interviews, was your level 2 retake brought up?
thank you for the help. Contacted ERAS and was told reporting STEP scores is optionalYou're asking the wrong question.
It is absolutely not a match violation to not release your USMLE. The NRMP could care less what you release to whom. If you don't even apply to a program at all and rank it, and they rank you for some unknown reason, and you match there, then you both have a binding commitment despite the fact that you never applied.
The right question you really want the answer to is: Are DO students required by ERAS to release a USMLE transcript if they have taken it? You're welcome to review the MyERAS Student guide for USMLE scores, and you'll see no mention that it's a requirement. You will see this:
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This is probably true, but "many" isn't "all". Programs can choose to do as they please.
If you're really worried about this, contact ERAS and see what they say. But there is nothing in the guide that says it's required.