Failing classes due to mental health?

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5+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2019
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I’m in my 2nd year of school, and since my first i’ve been battling with my mental health, to the point where it’s negatively impacting my grades. At this point I am struggling with all of my classes, and I (potentially) have the option to withdraw from two and take them again next year. However if I chose this route, a grade of WF (withdrawal while failing) would appear on my transcript. I would also have to delay Step 1 another year (which I’ve already registered to take and would have to cancel). I feel like these would be major red flags to residency programs and I’m worried about not matching should I take this route. However, this would be better than outright failing, which at my school would be grounds for dismissal.

I’ve always been a very good student (I wouldn’t be in med school if I weren’t), and even earned my MPH before attending med school. However, I can’t seem to get out of this depression slump, and I’m worried it’s going to end in disaster.

Any and all advice would be helpful right now. I’m worried that all the work I’ve put into getting here is being thrown away.

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However, this would be better than outright failing, which at my school would be grounds for dismissal.
You have answered your own question. The least bad option should always win.

Step out, get the help you need, come back stronger.
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I’m in my 2nd year of school, and since my first i’ve been battling with my mental health, to the point where it’s negatively impacting my grades. At this point I am struggling with all of my classes, and I (potentially) have the option to withdraw from two and take them again next year. However if I chose this route, a grade of WF (withdrawal while failing) would appear on my transcript. I would also have to delay Step 1 another year (which I’ve already registered to take and would have to cancel). I feel like these would be major red flags to residency programs and I’m worried about not matching should I take this route. However, this would be better than outright failing, which at my school would be grounds for dismissal.

I’ve always been a very good student (I wouldn’t be in med school if I weren’t), and even earned my MPH before attending med school. However, I can’t seem to get out of this depression slump, and I’m worried it’s going to end in disaster.

Any and all advice would be helpful right now. I’m worried that all the work I’ve put into getting here is being thrown away.
Im a psychiatrist for what its worth- my two cents, is depression can snowball when things become more and more stressful. Go and get help, see a psychiatrist and/or psychologist. Address whats going on, its unlikely to just self resolve as it has not resolved on its own yet. Not worth the risk to you or your education.
Best wishes with everything. Mental health is no joke. Come back strong!
Update: I retook and passed all of the classes I’d dropped, passed Step 1, and I’m halfway through my first 3rd year clerkship. Thanks so much the support. I’m doing a lot better.
Bravo! Very happy for you!
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