Favorite Thanksgiving Dish

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Nov 12, 2007
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So I'm starting work on the Thanksgiving meal, and I'm wondering what are some of the favorite dishes in the anesthesia community.

See, as I was going over the menu with my wife, I contemplated eliminating the mashed potatoes this year. Was going to substitute roasted vegetables. Realized that it was sacrilege, and picked up the yukon gold.

Just got me thinking.......

So, what's the Thanksgiving meal to you?

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Smoked turkey breast on the Big Green Egg! Got home a little early today and smoked one this afternoon to travel with tomorrow...mmm
Pumpkin pie all the way for me. I will probably eat two on my own on Thursday. :D
Smoked turkey breast on the Big Green Egg! Got home a little early today and smoked one this afternoon to travel with tomorrow...mmm

Ah, a true gourmet. Mine will go on first thing Thursday morning. There ain't nothing like ANYTHING cooked on the Big Green Egg.
Punkin Pie- it's not Thanksgiving without.

Our small meal this year: (all cooked fresh except turkey)
sweet potato casserole
brussel sprouts
2 pumpkin pies
turkey poop. good ol fashioned turkey poop hits the spot. then you go watch some thanksgiving porn right before you pass out
Have to be the lemon meringue pie. Forgo the turkey, just serve pies.
My favorite Thanksgiving dish?

Martha Stewart

(Okay, so I got a thing for cougars... even old ones, by that standard.)

Egg Nog. :)

Roasted Chestnuts. :D

Apple Rhubarb Pie. :p
the Ultimate is the jellied cranberry sauce that is the same shape as the can it comes in!!!!!
My aunt made a desert this year that was essentially a combo of pumpkin pie and pecan pie. It was awesome.

We had:
mashed potatoes
gravy, gravy, gravy
green bean casserole
sweet potatoes with marshmallows
cranberry sauce
Green bean casserole. It is the sleeper of all Thanksgiving dishes. Nobody really ever talks about how much they are looking forward to it. All the acclaim goes to the turkey or mashed potatoes, but no love for the breen bean casserole. But there is one thing I have noticed year after year, the green bean casserole is devoured with the quickness.