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Lots of Cynical Experience
10+ Year Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Very specific question...

For a former HPSP doc who got out and then became a GS and wanted to enroll in FERS, for military time buyback, how are the years of IRR (during medical school) factored into FERS credit? What about those periods of AD during medical school (BOLC, audition rotations, etc) which roughly total 6 months?

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Very specific question...

For a former HPSP doc who got out and then became a GS and wanted to enroll in FERS, for military time buyback, how are the years of IRR (during medical school) factored into FERS credit? What about those periods of AD during medical school (BOLC, audition rotations, etc) which roughly total 6 months?

For military time buyback, your SF-50 when you're hired will say how much creditable military service you have. If you've already been hired, then this should be listed. I don't think IRR would be counted at all. If you were on AD pay while in medical school then I would think it would count, but I was just a regular active duty officer so I'm not 100% sure. Again you'll see it on SF-50.

The time buyback is to compensate for the fact that federal workers pay into FERS in their paycheck but military members don't. So you have to pay that time back. (most times for most situations, it's worth it, but you can calculate how much you will have to pay before you decide to pay). You don't get paid for IRR so yeah, you're not getting credit for it. Also you will start at the higher leave accumulation per pay period with your prior service (even without buyback).
Don't know the answer but I'm curious how this applies to USUHS too. My understanding is that time doesn't count, so your active duty time while a med stud won't count either. I recently got by DD214 and it lists my USUHS years as inactive service.
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Don't know the answer but I'm curious how this applies to USUHS too. My understanding is that time doesn't count, so your active duty time while a med stud won't count either. I recently got by DD214 and it lists my USUHS years as inactive service.
Good thinking. The DD214 doesn't include that time, oddly. Was given AD pay and a W2 for those years (Social Security is tracking), but it doesn't count as time in service... even for a few months.
I will note that my training time in OBLC and my 72D (AOC specific) training did count in my calculation for FERS and was on my DD214. But I was a regular active duty officer, not HPSP.
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