File on HOLD??

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Nov 3, 2010
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Anyone else have this happen? I'd love to hear any comments or advise. Oh and any stories of current optometry students who had this happen to them who ended up getting in would be appreciated too ;)

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May I ask your stats btw? Why did they care how you did in chem if you got a good score on ure OAT?
High OAT, mediocre GPA
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seriously, what school is this? those are pretty solid stats.. maybe your interview didnt go as well as you feel it went?
I know that a lot of MD schools have been doing that during this admissions cycle. I was also told by an OD admissions counselor that this admissions cycle is extremely slow. So being on hold probably means that they are waiting to view other applications that are just trickling in before they fill the class. I would focus on updating ur application periodically. Meaning, maybe sending another lor or quickly updating ur grades or add any other extracurriculars. Schools def do like being updated and in your case should def help. Maybe you can land a chem tutoring job or worse case scenario retake chem or take an upper level chem. Also, send a letter of intent if its your first choice. On the brightside, its only 2 more months till january and I find it hard to believe their applicant pool is going to increase that drastically, especially over the holidays.

Good Luck!
I know that a lot of MD schools have been doing that during this admissions cycle. I was also told by an OD admissions counselor that this admissions cycle is extremely slow. So being on hold probably means that they are waiting to view other applications that are just trickling in before they fill the class. I would focus on updating ur application periodically. Meaning, maybe sending another lor or quickly updating ur grades or add any other extracurriculars. Schools def do like being updated and in your case should def help. Maybe you can land a chem tutoring job or worse case scenario retake chem or take an upper level chem. Also, send a letter of intent if its your first choice. On the brightside, its only 2 more months till january and I find it hard to believe their applicant pool is going to increase that drastically, especially over the holidays.

Good Luck!

It is my first choice, but letter of intent, really? Never heard of someone doing that, but I guess I wouldn't write it off. I've heard of Med schools doing this all the time too, but never optometry schools, but IU does have the latest interview season I think. On the other hand what's the point of applying early if not for rolling admissions!!!???!!
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It is my first choice, but letter of intent, really? Never heard of someone doing that, but I guess I wouldn't write it off. I've heard of Med schools doing this all the time too, but never optometry schools, but IU does have the latest interview season I think. On the other hand what's the point of applying early if not for rolling admissions!!!???!!

If this school is definitely your first choice, I wouldn't even hesitate to send a letter of intent. Schools want to accept students who WANT to go to their school and didn't just apply for the sake of applying. Let it be known that this school is your first choice. It helps get your name known in admissions and so that you just don't fall into being a file number. It will not hurt your chances of acceptance if you write a letter explaining that this is your school of choice and why your qualified.

True Story: Last year my bf was on waitlist for a MD school. He sent a letter of intent, called twice a week to check the status and set up an advisement meeting to discuss his file. He was basically on first name basis with the whole admissions department and is now in the middle of his first year.

It sucks and it's frustrating now but its all worth it in the end!!