For a serious response, yes, in many cases the correct answer is indeed "in the passage," in the sense that there are a good number of research study literacy, data comprehension questions on the MCAT. This is not to say, however, that those passages wouldn't be made much easier if you are unfamiliar with the topics that are tested in more explicit questions.
For example, a passage on neuron cell conduction speed could include a question on the distance an impulse will have traveled traveled through white matter in 10s where you simply need to read the passage that might state explicitly "myelinated neurons conduct impulses with an average velocity of 0.5m/s." To get this question correct, the answer is "in the passage" in the sense that you simply have to use the number they gave you and calculate distance traveled in 10s, but also you have to know that white matter is composed of myelinated neurons.
Hope this helps!