Finding Mock interviewers?

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Full Member
Aug 22, 2024
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I am wondering how you guys are getting interview practice in? I have just been recording my answers and playing them back to myself, but I don’t get nervous like I would with a stranger. However, I don’t really have anyone to practice with. How are you guys finding mock interviewers? I really don’t want to pay for even more things this cycle if I can help it 🙁

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Do you have a pre-health office at your undergrad? They may be able to offer interview prep services
Do you have a pre-health office at your undergrad? They may be able to offer interview prep services

I am a nontrad, so I haven’t been interacting with my pre-health office. I will get into contact with them to see if this is something they offer alumnus. Thanks!
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I am wondering how you guys are getting interview practice in? I have just been recording my answers and playing them back to myself, but I don’t get nervous like I would with a stranger. However, I don’t really have anyone to practice with. How are you guys finding mock interviewers? I really don’t want to pay for even more things this cycle if I can help it 🙁
Talk to your school's career center
Are you still in college? If so, your career center should have mock interview services