First Aid 2014 vs 2015?

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Sep 7, 2010
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I'm about to start studying for Step, and I have FA14. Is it worth picking up FA15, instead? Thanks!

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Probably not. If you have stuff already annotated in to FA 14 then stick with it. You know the book well if you have already used it, no need in getting a new one. I would only consider it if you actually never opened the 14.
I'm about to start studying for Step, and I have FA14. Is it worth picking up FA15, instead? Thanks!
It all depends on how much you know and what score you want. I started out with -14 and switched later to -15 because I though there were some important additions. I don´t think you will see any major score increases but I´d say that it´s a simple way to increase your score a few points.

I would not recommend to switch books if you´re a couple days/weeks out though.
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You want to the have the latest edition of FA. Especially now since you have just started to study and it's around 30 something. If you do end up getting it, make sure to fix the errors first.
I recommend FA2015. I used both and I found the changes done were useful. They removed some low yield facts which were impossible to learn (some protozoa in chapter "bugs-ology"), which made me happy.
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I had bought 2014 because I was using it throughout the year. I too have this question. I'm hoping it's not all that important to have the 2015. It seemed silly to spend money on another copy of essentially the same book.

I think my philosophy is that I'll never be able to know everything anyway. I can't imagine that the significant content changes between the two books would amount to more than 10 pages (people who have experience with both can correct me if I'm wrong). The proportion of that content that one hasn't already acquired from classes/UWorld/Pathoma is probably half or less, as it is for the rest of FA content. The proportion of that remaining content that I would retain just from FA is probably smaller still. The chances of those specific content areas ending up on the test is again smaller.

I don't know. I can't imagine it's worth it. If this thread winds up with a resounding "Get the 2015 version" I might purchase it, but it seems silly at this point.
sloop "I don't know. I can't imagine it's worth it. If this thread winds up with a resounding "Get the 2015 version" I might purchase it said:
Visit your local BN and check the 2015 out, then make a decision on buying. I also have 2014 with numerous uworld notes, but I still ended up getting the 2015 for newer drugs/tx, pictures, and better tables/explanations and I'm glad I did. So I use both when reviewing side by side.
such as? i just looked over the first 2 chapters and there are about 1 page of different stuff from the 2014 version
Ive been through both books and trust me when I say that theres at lot new factoids added (probably not in the first two chapters for obvious reasons). Also remember that the new stuff added is probably a lot more HY than from any other source. Knowing that I really cant understand why one would try to save a couple of $$ and risk a lower score on an exam that at least partially decide ones future.
any examples of new drugs that the 2014 doesn't have?

I can think of few on top my head and if the following are in 2014 then they are probably explained with new details in 2015, a new diagram or a chart: daptomycin, eculizumab, ranibizumab, hyoscyamine/dicyclomine, three types of toxins like tetrodotoxin, updated pharmcology: toxicology and side effects section. Most of the organ system pharm is also updated so few drugs are added/removed/changed/expanded.

Again, don't take my or anyone's word here to get 2015, glance over a copy from a friend, bookstore, library, etc., and make a decision.