first half of my semester

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Oct 12, 2012
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Hi everybody,

This is my first time posting here, so im sorry if this is in the wrong section.

I just started my first semester of freshmen year at a state university and so far i'm not

doing so well. precalc and gen chem are my only science courses and im expecting a B+

maybe an A- in gen chem. but in precalc i did bad on my midterm so im

probably going to end up with a B or B-. so my question is getting a B- or B in an easy

subject like precalc going to effect me even if i get As in my advanced math courses.

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At some colleges, your freshmen GPA doesn't count as much as a junior or senior GPA (3x as much at my school) when applying to medical school. I don't think one B will bring down your GPA that much. As long as you show improvement, that will indicate you are a hard worker. Nevertheless, you should always try for A's...and don't get down on yourself for doing bad in Pre-calc. I started college at 26, and couldn't even test into intermediate algebra! I worked so hard in math and ended up with A's in trig, calc 1&2, as well as Physics 1&2. If math is your nemesis, then I suggest really focusing on it by going to tutors, doing the HW, and watching tutorials on websites like Khan Academy (really helps me with all subjects). Honestly, calculus, for me, was SO easy to grasp because it uses the basics of algebra and allows you to do amazing things! Look up how to do a first takes 5 seconds to calculate and it does the same thing as the difference quotient (you should be learning the diff. quotient in pre-calc). Easy way to check your work... Good luck!
Hi everybody,

This is my first time posting here, so im sorry if this is in the wrong section.

I just started my first semester of freshmen year at a state university and so far i'm not

doing so well. precalc and gen chem are my only science courses and im expecting a B+

maybe an A- in gen chem. but in precalc i did bad on my midterm so im

probably going to end up with a B or B-. so

my question is getting a B- or B in an easy subject like precalc going to effect me even if i get As in my advanced math courses.
No, you have plenty of time to bring up your GPA. A few Bs as a freshman are not going to keep you from developing a competitive application. It's very common for college freshman to take a semester or two to adjust to a new learning style that allows the mastery of a larger volume of material delivered more rapidly.