florida clinicals

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15+ Year Member
Jun 14, 2007
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I have a question about clinical rotations in florida. I live in miami and would like to do as much of my clinicals as possible in that area. I know Ross has two hospitals really close to home and I believe I could do peds at Miami Children's hospital, but is there any way to do clinicals at a hospital that isn't listed on the school's website? I am referring to AUC, ROSS, SGU, and Saba. For those that have done clinicals at these schools how much choice did you have over where you got to go? Thanks.

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No, you need to do cores at hospital with a contract with Ross or risk your potential license.
I have a question about clinical rotations in florida. I live in miami and would like to do as much of my clinicals as possible in that area. I know Ross has two hospitals really close to home and I believe I could do peds at Miami Children's hospital, but is there any way to do clinicals at a hospital that isn't listed on the school's website? I am referring to AUC, ROSS, SGU, and Saba. For those that have done clinicals at these schools how much choice did you have over where you got to go? Thanks.

You will have to go around the country, in order to finish your clinical.

There is no other way, SGU can get you all the rotation at one place, but I don't think it's MIAMI.
I have a question about clinical rotations in florida. I live in miami and would like to do as much of my clinicals as possible in that area. I know Ross has two hospitals really close to home and I believe I could do peds at Miami Children's hospital, but is there any way to do clinicals at a hospital that isn't listed on the school's website? I am referring to AUC, ROSS, SGU, and Saba. For those that have done clinicals at these schools how much choice did you have over where you got to go? Thanks.

Last year, I tried to get electives at Miami Childrens. They were beyond rude and said they dont take FMGs. When I called them at that lie (b/c I use to work there and knew it was full of SGU) they corrected and said they only take SGU. Good luck to you with them. You can do your Family core at Larkin (if you are in good standing and have good step 1 scores), and you can do electives all around Miami (except MCH apparently, oh and you can't do anything at Jackson). I personally know people doing electives at Larkin, Mt Sinai and Cleveland Clinic (weston). Also, Orlando Regional (if you apply early enough and are willing to commute the 3+ hours LOL). But as far as Cores, only Family can be done in Miami.