FM Residency "start" dates post-COVID?

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Jun 20, 2019
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If you have recently begun a FM residency, would you please list your program and the date you actually had to begin? Orientation? Clinical? The start date is generally accepted as July 1, but it seems many programs will actually have you report earlier. Please share if you have specific dates for specific programs. Thank-you!

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My program starts 1-2 weeks early both pre and post COVID. This could change from year to year even within the same program so I'd just plan to be available the last half of (edit/correction) June, and ask your program when things start after you match.
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My program starts 1-2 weeks early both pre and post COVID. This could change from year to year even within the same program so I'd just plan to be available the last half of July, and ask your program when things start after you match.

you mean last half of june right?
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Pretty much everyone will start sometime in June with orientation and other mandatory stuff. Clinical work started on 7/1