Folks on SAVE and hoping for PSLF...

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10+ Year Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Second year attending, so theoretically should be about 6-7 years in, but that's obviously not the case...

Was just reading this article -

How are you guys moving forward?? Just keep going through this forbearance phase, hope the gov't gets sued, and then hope the forbearance months count towards pslf. Do you plan on doing the buy back? Just paying it off as quickly as possible?

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Second year attending, so theoretically should be about 6-7 years in, but that's obviously not the case...

Was just reading this article -

How are you guys moving forward?? Just keep going through this forbearance phase, hope the gov't gets sued, and then hope the forbearance months count towards pslf. Do you plan on doing the buy back? Just paying it off as quickly as possible?
I just applied to switch to PAYE. I'm 2.5 years away from PSLF and my income in 2023 was 1/2 fellow, 1/2 attending, and I haven't yet filed my taxes for 2024, so they should theoretically make the switch based on my 2023 income and keep my payments a little lower for at least a year. Also, my 2024 income would likely disqualify me from PAYE.

Anyway, just hoping to get out of forbearance and start making payments, even if it costs me a bunch more money in payments. Not happy riding in limbo anymore.