I experiment a ton but I rarely get positive reactions! Except for my latest interview where it flopped so hard that it made the director of admissions chuckle (likely out of pity).
I enjoy reading in the car because my mom used to take my sister and I on long car rides whenever she completed errands. A few years ago, during my study abroad program, I opened a novel and started reading while in the passenger seat during a four hour drive. Ten minutes into reading I look back and two other passengers were looking at me in amazement. They said “How can you do that without getting motion sickness?!??”
😂 After this happened I had assumed that my childhood car-ride reading habit had honed some incredible ability.
So fast forward a few years and I recall this detail about myself while everyone starts naming their fun facts. Once it gets to me I blurt out “I can read in the car!!” The call goes awkwardly silent. Every single other individual on the call starts chiming in that they, too, can read in the car and that it isn’t super rare. The director chuckles and tells me “I think its great that you can read in the car!” before moving on.
Definitely not mentioning that fact again.