Funny Fact

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Squat n Squeeze

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May 22, 2003
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Statistically, over half of you lack the intelligence to ever matriculate into medical school.

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You should learn the difference between fact and opinion. Fact is supported by evidence. Oh yeah i nearly forgot, you're a tool. :cool:
What is the required intelligence to matriculate into medical school, just out of curiosity? What standard should it be based upon?

And don't forget, as Mark Twain once said: "There are three types of statements that politicians make: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
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Originally posted by umass rower
What is the required intelligence to matriculate into medical school, just out of curiosity? What standard should it be based upon?

And don't forget, as Mark Twain once said: "There are three types of statements that politicians make: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

You know as well as I do that it's all about the numbers.

And on a side note, I got accepted to UMass for undergrad and turned it down. Haha.
what s+s is getting to, I believe, is that roughly a little under half of medschool applicants mattriculate--that is get into medschool. However, after reading many posts, i've come to the happy conclusion that the avg pre-med has a higher statistical chance of matriculating. Reading the mcat score reporting threads certainly gives this impression anyway. I'll see where I stand, if i'm worthy october 14th when AAMC releases our scores over THX.
It seems like a lot more than %50 of SDN students get into med school.
Surfing SDN increases your chances of matriculating into medical school.
Originally posted by Squat n Squeeze
Statistically, over half of you lack the intelligence to ever matriculate into medical school.

Anyone applying to medical school that has a genuine interest in medicine "has" the ability to be a doctor. Numbers do not suggest determination or med shool performance. Anyone who wants to succeed will succeed. The question is will they be lucky enough to pass the Adcom crap. I know a lot of 4.0s that are as dumb as rocks, and lack the kind of intelligence needed to be a physician. They may look good on paper, but they get rejected as soon as they interview. Are you saying they are stupid, or just not mature enough to get in?
Originally posted by Squat n Squeeze
Statistically, over half of you lack the intelligence to ever matriculate into medical school.

What statistic are you referring to? I think we would all benefit from some hard facts. If you cant produce them why would you even post a thread like this.
Conclusion: Surfing SDN increases your chances of matriculating into medical school.

Does boasting on SDN actually prove anything? "studied quantum physics right after an interview" most people would go do something fun after an interview, I personally would have paid ur mom a visit, thats always a good time.
Originally posted by NRAI2001
Conclusion: Surfing SDN increases your chances of matriculating into medical school.

Does boasting on SDN actually prove anything? "studied quantum physics right after an interview" most people would go do something fun after an interview, I personally would have paid ur mom a visit, thats always a good time.

So did you shave off the crabs yet, or did they already crawl up your ass?
It seems like ur the one with something stuck up his ass.
Originally posted by Squat n Squeeze
Statistically, over half of you lack the intelligence to ever matriculate into medical school.

Intelligence is not the only thing that can keep a person out of med school, and the 50% stat is for a give year, which ignores the fact that in a given year, many of the applicant failed the previous year to get accepted.

And since I'm the one who figured this out, not you, I feel content to assume that I'm more intelligent than you, so who gives a s***?
As his name implies...Squat N Squeeze has left SDN with another lovely, smelly, brown reminder of his existence (and what a pathetic one it is) in this thread. He actually devoted a thread to telling people that about 1/2 of the people on SDN won't get into med What this blithering idiot doesn't realize is that SDN is NOT A REPRESENTATIVE sample of the premed population at large at America's colleges and universities. This board is skewed (to what debatable), to the right end of the normal curve. This is why we have threads that state something to the effect of, "I have a 3.9 GPA...a 37 MCAT...spent 3 years doing epidemiological research with my professor on the relationship between cochlear implants and bacterial meningitis, was the president of my school's volunteer organization, was the chief editor of our school newspaper, and also spent a summer doing a research fellowship at Harvard...what are my chances at my local state med school?" However, Squat N Squeeze was too stupid to actually figure this out on his own so he went ahead and laid another turd for everyone to see (and smell). This thread really should just be renamed, "What's lower on the evolutionary ladder: an amoeba, **insert unicellular decomposer here**, or Squat N Squeeze?
I would have to guess squat and squeeze.
so i take it moderators dont ban for repeated offenders.
He [S&S] hasn't popped off for a while now, I guess his mom just put him to bed or he's used up his computer time.
Originally posted by Squat n Squeeze
So did you shave off the crabs yet, or did they already crawl up your ass?

wait, your mom has crabs?!?

new statistic: at least half of all SDNers apparently have crabs (...contracted from Squat n Squeeze's mom)
Originally posted by sickofit
wait, your mom has crabs?!?

new statistic: at least half of all SDNers apparently have crabs (...contracted from Squat n Squeeze's mom)

hahahhahaha ouch. ;) :D
"Statistically, over half of you lack the intelligence to ever matriculate into medical school."

42.7% of all statistics are made up
wait, your mom has crabs?!? new statistic: at least half of all SDNers apparently have crabs (...contracted from Squat n Squeeze's mom)

Thats the funniest thing I ve heard all day.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: