Gastroschiasis - mnemonic

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7+ Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
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What does the "the abdominal conents are coming out of the G" mean? I don't understand what the G represents here.

Not so sure about the one for omphalocele either - "Abdominal contents are sealed in the O".

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What does the "the abdominal conents are coming out of the G" mean? I don't understand what the G represents here.

Not so sure about the one for omphalocele either - "Abdominal contents are sealed in the O".

You don't need mnemonics. Med students would do well to become amateur etymologists.

1) Gastroschisis = gastro + schism, schism literally means split
2) Omphalocele = omphalos + coele, i.e. navel and hernia, this one you already know, because you know varicocele, meningocele, encephalocele etc.
You don't need mnemonics. Med students would do well to become amateur etymologists.

1) Gastroschisis = gastro + schism, schism literally means split
2) Omphalocele = omphalos + coele, i.e. navel and hernia, this one you already know, because you know varicocele, meningocele, encephalocele etc.

The first rule of med school imo.


What does the "the abdominal conents are coming out of the G" mean? I don't understand what the G represents here.

Not so sure about the one for omphalocele either - "Abdominal contents are sealed in the O".
