Getting into a 2nd bachelors program

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10+ Year Member
Feb 19, 2012
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Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone is familiar on what is needed to get into a 2nd Bachelors program at a state school? I am graduating college soon and I want to go back to school ASAP. I don't want to take any breaks. I want to get a 2nd bachelors to repair my crappy performance in college which i don't have an excuse for. I want to make something useful of my life and I cannot see myself being anything else but a doctor. I was wondering if you can get into a 2nd bachelors program as long as you have above a 2.0 in your first degree. My g.p.a. is sub 3.0. I want to do a 2nd bachelors and then an SMP after before I even think of applying to medical school. I have a lot of repair to do. now I am worried if I don't get into a 2nd bachelors program I am screwed. I just sat and took a long look at my transcript today looking and I have some F's and W's. I took a good look at it and worried even the 2nd bachelors programs won't take me. Even to get into non-medicine grad programs I still need above a 3.0 anyway. So either way I still need a 2nd bachelors to fix my life. Any advice will be grealty appreciated. I trying not to lose my mind at this point. I am afraid of becoming a failure in life which I do not want to happen. I was able to get into a top 10 university and blew my opportunity to do well. Anyway now my focus is on what I can do to improve my situation. Anyone who has been in my situation or similar or know someone who has and fixed themselves together, please let me know how they did it. I need to stay sane. The job market is bad and a bachelors is not much nowadays unless you studies like electrical engineering, nursing or some field like that with many jobs or have a lot of connections. Please help me. Be honest and don't worry about sounding harsh. I can take it. Wearing rose colored glasses won't help me at this point.

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I did exactly what you plan on doing (looks like you have a good plan set out, don't panic, just perform) from a top 20 university from which I graduated with a 2.55.

What I did to get the ball rolling with my second bachelors at the small second campus of my state uni was the following:

1. Networked with the pre-health office, told them my aspirations and motivation to succeed.

2. Did the online application to apply to the college as a second degree student.

3. Notified the prehealth office, they said something like "ok, just get in and we're ready for you. it was great to meet you"

4. Went in dressed nicely to admissions, requested to speak with someone about my application, said I'm ready to go, I had talked to Dr (head of pre-health), and he's waiting on my admission to start advising me with classes, etc. Also talked myself up with SAT score, research at the med school down the street, etc etc. The guy i was talking to went into a room and came out with my acceptance letter. I signed it right there and was on my way.

Do an SDN search for all threads I've created if you want to stalk me and see how I spent the three years (two years, then applied, then gap waiting for med to star) after graduating, getting into med school. Good luck, choose a school near home preferably and quit any and everything that could distract you from all A's. State school will be easier, just put in the work.