Getting into a public health related masters program

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Sep 15, 2008
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Hey i have just finished my degree in biomedical science from a UK university. My course was basically preclinical medicine with some lab work thrown in. As my studies have progressed, i have realised that i am interested in public health and i wanted to further this interest by taking a MSC in Public Health as well as subjects like Health Economics. I was rejected from all my courses because i lacked professional expereince. Now, i met all the academic entry requirements, my personal statement was excellent based not only on my opinion, but also the opinions of several expereinced admissions tutors and various professors from the LSHTM. So i am pretty sure my lack of expereince was the main reason why my application was unsuccessful. i was just wondering, what kinds of work experiences would be useful for me to get? Plus, is it possible i could get something like a public health related internship somewhere abroad because i hope to do some travelling?

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i was just wondering, what kinds of work experiences would be useful for me to get? Plus, is it possible i could get something like a public health related internship somewhere abroad because i hope to do some travelling?

Try the American Cancer Society's website. They have internships advertised on their website from all over the U.S.