GMO positions - how to know what locations are available?

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2+ Year Member
Dec 20, 2019
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Well, let me preface this by asking: is it even possible to know in the first place?

I will be applying for a Navy GMO position soon, and I don't really have a big preference on which type of GMO I want to be. What I do have a preference for is location. So if I wanted to be stationed somewhere overseas - say, Japan - which GMO should I go for in order for my chances to be best? Of course, I am aware that it's quite possible I will simply be sent wherever the Navy decides to send me without caring about my preferences, but I at least want to give myself the best chance at an overseas slot like Japan. I at least want to be able to say that I tried.

For anyone who has been a GMO or is familiar with location assignments, which GMO type do you think would give me the most leeway in determining my location? Or am I just going to have to apply for one of them and then ask the detailer and hope there's something good available?

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Well, let me preface this by asking: is it even possible to know in the first place?

I will be applying for a Navy GMO position soon, and I don't really have a big preference on which type of GMO I want to be. What I do have a preference for is location. So if I wanted to be stationed somewhere overseas - say, Japan - which GMO should I go for in order for my chances to be best? Of course, I am aware that it's quite possible I will simply be sent wherever the Navy decides to send me without caring about my preferences, but I at least want to give myself the best chance at an overseas slot like Japan. I at least want to be able to say that I tried.

For anyone who has been a GMO or is familiar with location assignments, which GMO type do you think would give me the most leeway in determining my location? Or am I just going to have to apply for one of them and then ask the detailer and hope there's something good available?

Talk to your detailer
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Pretty much just have to decide gmo flavor and then go with the detailing process from there. I believe they changed the gmo selection process for the surface and marine GMOs a few years ago to make it like flight and UMO because they didn’t want people deciding on a warfare community just based off billet location. (Advice used to be you just call the detailer and take one of those two of all you cared about was location)

The bigger the community the more likely something in a specific location will be available. Doesn’t mean you’ll get it but at least there might be a chance.
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For flight surgery, you won't know which billets are available until 2/3 the way through the training process but they generally know which classes have OCONUS billets available vs only CONUS. I recommend asking about the billet selection process with whoever the contact person is for each GMO domain you are interested in during the inevitable "road show" that they will have you attend as an intern who has to reapply for PGY2.
Thanks for the replies - I also managed to find this:

Operational Medical Officer (OMO) Opportunities

which has an excel sheet listing available billets for different OMO types, though it's from 2022. Not sure if there's an updated version somewhere out there...
Each specialty should have a consultant that generally has a pretty good idea of where people are in the different specialties and what openings potentially could be available to you. I'm assuming it's the same for FS/GMO but I was psychiatry. Now these aren't always set in stone and there's no guarantee that you'll get a spot anywhere you "apply" for or put down on your dream sheet. Always up to the needs of the military. You could get placed wherever they want you which may be the absolute last place you'd want to go... I was Air Force as well so Navy could have some differences in this.