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Do most doctors develop it?
I have been working in the medical field for five years now, and I can tell you at first, many doctors seem like pricks. Although it is true that many physicians forget that their name is followed by M.D. and not G.O.D., the more you are exposed to medicine, the more realistic your perceptions become. After I began working with doctors, I changed my major at the university to pre-nursing because I thought that would be the only way to really take care of people and keep personable and grounded. After continued exposure, I realized that the doctors that are good are REALLY good and I went back on the pre-med track and haven't looked back since.
The doctors that often come off with this attitude, at least in my experience, are cardiothoracic surgeons, trauma surgeons and interventional cardiologists. These guys also by far have one of the highest stress environments when it comes to critical patients. Literally every second counts and minor discrepancies can lead to the permanent injury/death of the patient for which they will be held responsible. Therefore, these guys tend to be the pickiest, crankiest and most demanding, but for good reason.
But seriously, from personal experience I think that a handful of doctors are arrogant jerks...and they tend to be concentrated in certain specialties or at certain institutions. The handful arrogant jerk doctors like to be with other arrogant jerk doctors. So basically, if you don't want to be surrounded by them just be selective in your med school and residency application process and eliminate those places as possibilities.
Although if you did go to one of those places for med school or residency you would certainly not develop a God complex -- more likely the opposite -- because you would likely go through 4 years of being called an idiot.
though they may no longer feel like they have "God"-status, at least they'll enjoy a comfy lifestylewell radiologists and dermatologists may end up feeling like god after step 1, but i guess it pretty much ends there...
I'm drunk with power as a premed.You can sort of see why general pediatricians tend not to develope god complexes. Its hard to feel drunk with power when you are doing a developemental screening questionairre.
Do most doctors develop it?
Do most doctors develop it?