going to a med school in Europe-evaluation of diploma

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7+ Year Member
Sep 25, 2017
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Hi guys,
I have heard that if you have a diploma from europe, (Itay, Germany, etc) you can just pass USMLE and work in the US...
Basically you are skipping a step where you have to evaluate your diploma, which I guess is a difficult step)
Is that true that evaluation is difficult these days and you skip it if you graduate from a med school in a European coupntry?

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Hi guys,
I have heard that if you have a diploma from europe, (Itay, Germany, etc) you can just pass USMLE and work in the US...
Basically you are skipping a step where you have to evaluate your diploma, which I guess is a difficult step)
Is that true that evaluation is difficult these days and you skip it if you graduate from a med school in a European coupntry?

Anybody that graduated from a University listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools can apply for the USMLE. This ian't excluaive to European countries.

Also, if you want to go to Europe you better have an advanced grasp of the local language. You need C1-C2 german language skills to get into medical school im Germany. Etc.